Simple Books is a free tool designed for freelancers, sole traders, and small businesses to help make bookkeeping more efficent.
- Self-hosted solution to managing your finance
- Secure multi account access
- Organise transactions by category and tags
- Add attachments to each transaction
- Export your transactions records to csv
Simple Books is a PHP application built on Laravel that can be self-hosted.
To install on a local machine, first set up the correct MYSQL database config inside .env file. Upon installation the database tables will be automatically created.
Then run the following commands from terminal inside the Simple-Books directory:
Resolves and installs the required dependencies.
composer install
Generates APP_KEY value.
php artisan key:generate
Migrate the database.
php artisan migrate
Runs the project.
php artisan serve
Simple Books is released under the GNU General Public License v3 for open-source personal projects.
This means you are free to modify and distribute under the GPL license if the copyright and credits notices remain untouched.
View this resource for more information on the GPL License.