This library contains Matlab implementation of TRAP MUSIC multi-source localization algorithm. The library contains three functions trapmusic_presetori.m trapmusic_optori.m trapmusic_example.m
The implementation is based on
Makela, Stenroos, Sarvas, Ilmoniemi. Truncated RAP-MUSIC (TRAP-MUSIC) for MEG and EEG source localization. NeuroImage 167(2018):73--83.
For further information on the TRAP MUSIC approach, please see the publication. I also kindly ask you to cite the paper, if you use the approach and/or this implementation. If you do not have access to the paper, please send me a request by email.
I share the programs hoping that they would be useful for EEG/MEG data analysis, method development and learning. The programs are built and tested in Matlab R2019b, but they should work in any recent Matlab version. If not, please let me know.
trapmusic_matlab is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License. Copyright (c) 2020, Matti Stenroos. All rights reserved. The software comes without any warranty.
Release notes: v1.0 (v200422) First public release