This repository is part of the Core Engine (GitHub, GitLab). It references all important dependencies and includes custom modifications and build-scripts.
Main Dependencies
- GLEW (BSD-3)
- imgui (MIT)
- ogg (BSD-3)
- OpenAL_soft (LGPL-2)
- opus (BSD-3)
- opusfile (BSD-3)
- SDL2 (zlib)
- SDL2_image (zlib)
- SDL2_ttf (zlib)
- stb_dxt (public domain)
- stb_sprintf (public domain)
- stb_vorbis (public domain)
- xxhash (BSD-3)
- zstd (BSD-3)
Optional Dependencies
- Epic Online Services SDK (proprietary)
- glibc (LGPL-2)
- libc++ (Apache with LLVM exceptions)
- Steamworks SDK (proprietary)