Simple, zero configuration GraphQL server. mele gets out of the way so there is no bootstrapping, or initialization needed.
Under Active Development
Getting started with mele is incredibly simple.
Install mele with yarn add mele
Create two directories, one named types
, and another named resolvers
In the types directory, create a file called Query.graphql
and save it with the following contents.
type Query {
greeting: String
In the resolvers directory, create file called Query.js
with the following contents:
module.exports = {
greeting: () => 'Hello!',
Now, in your package.json
, add the following:
"scripts": {
"start": "mele",
"dev": "mele dev"
: Starts regular mele server.
mele dev
: Starts mele development server with autorestarting.
Run yarn start
. Boom! Wasn't that easy? You now have a GraphQL server running. Visit localhost:4000
and query away.
Need to add a context to your server? Easy. Simply add a context.js
file at the root of your server's directory that exports a function that returns an object of your context.
// context.js
module.exports = req => ({
query: req.query,
greetingMessage: 'Hello!',
Then in a resolver, you have access to your context.
// Query.js
greeting: (_, args, context) => {
// context.query === req.query
// context.greetingMessage === 'Hello!'
return context.greetingMessage
Note that the context function is passed the request object.