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Arduino Programs

Aaron Paterson edited this page Apr 20, 2019 · 1 revision


This program turns on a relay when eight hall effect sensors activate. In the room, it is used to turn on the fireplace when each dowel is in the right hole and facing forwards.

Win Condition

All eight dowels are in place.

Reset Condition

All eight dowels are removed.


This program uses the same logic as hall-effect-light to open a hidden door lock when all four pictures hang on certain pegs.

Win Condition

Pictures hang in the correct position. By number of penguins:

1 4
3 2

Reset Condition

All four pictures are removed.


This program lights six NeoPixel LEDs inside wax candles when a player blows on a piezo sensor positioned behind their wick. When all six candles are blown on in the right order, it activates a relay. In the room, this relay opens a secret door. Blowing the candles on in the wrong order or taking too long to finish resets the puzzle. For safety, the relay is not reactivated on until the next power cycle.

Win Condition

Candles are blown on in order. By order from 0 to 5 left to right: 2 4 1 0 3 5

Reset Condition

Players take too long to blow out the next candle.


This program opens a maglock when fish props are hung on the correct hooks. This is logically equivalent to the first version of what is now the hall-effect-lock puzzle, but it uses shorter wires and an undocumented fix to make the readers work more reliably.

Win Condition

Fish hang in the correct position.

Reset Condition

All four fish are removed.


This program tries to read four rfid tag IDs and check if they are in a certain order. Reading the rfid tags never worked reliably enough to use these in a puzzle.