VictoryKit is a free and open source platform to run campaigns for social change.
On a Mac, you'll want to install:
$ brew install redis postgresql
You may already have a version of Postgres installed, in which case you'll need to remove it with:
$ brew unlink postgresql
$ brew install postgresql
To check out the code:
$ git clone
To confirm you have the appropriate requirements:
$ cd victorykit
$ ./script/bootstrap
You may need to ensure you have qt libraries installed for webkit. On ubuntu, you may need:
sudo apt-get install qt5-default libqt5webkit5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev build-essential
On Mac, install Qt with brew install qt
Install the required version of ruby specified in Gemfile
(2.0.0 as of this writing)
by using RVM or rbenv.
Install bundler:
$ gem install bundler
Make sure gems are up to date:
$ bundle
Make sure Postgres and Redis are running. If you installed them with Homebrew,
brew info [postgres|redis]
will tell you how to run them.
Make sure the database exists and is migrated. Note: db:seeds is out of date.
$ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
Make sure the tests pass:
$ rake
Settings.yml was discontinued. You'll need to load the settings in it into your db. open up consule then run the following.
$ rails console
> yml = YAML.load('config/settings.yml'))
> data_dotted_keys = Hash[{|parent,hash|{|k,v| [[parent, k].join('.'), v] } }.flatten(1) ]
> settings = AppSettings.instance
> = data_dotted_keys
Run the app locally
$ rails server
Alternatively, you can use Foreman:
$ foreman start -f -p 3000