Level up your iOS App by showing the rest of your portfolio completely dynamically.
The preferred way of installing PortfolioKit is via the Swift Package Manager.
- In Xcode, open your project and navigate to File → Add Package Dependencies...
- Paste the repository URL (
) and click Next. - Click Add Package.
- Click Add Package again.
To configure PortfolioKit, run PortfolioKit.shared.config(with: url)
where url is the url to your json file.
Note: Json files must follow this example:
"name": "Safari",
"icon_url""https://is1-ssl.mzstat .com/image/thumb/Purple126/v4/f8/76/09/f876095c-4f99-f138-d380-0420e21c3c89/AppIcon-0-0-1x_U007emarketing-0-0-10-0-0 -sRGB-0-0-0-GLES2_U002c0-512MB-85-220-0-0.png/540x540bb.jpg",
"url": "https://apps.apple.com/us/app/safari/id1146562112",
"url_button_name": "Get",
"bundle_id": "com.apple.mobilesafari"
There are two methods of presenting data:
You can present the SwiftUi view PortfolioView
, which will automatically show your configured data.
You can use the .title(_:)
modifier to add a navigation view and title to the view.
You can access the raw data at PortfolioKit.shared.portfolios