This is a bridge for ZoomUS SDK:
Platform | Version | Url | Changelog |
iOS | | | |
Android | | | |
Tested on XCode 12.4 and react-native 0.66.0. (See details)
Pull requests are welcome.
$ npm install react-native-zoom-us
If you have react-native < 0.60
, check Full Linking Guide
- Set
rules inandroid/app/build.gradle
android {
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/'
pickFirst 'lib/x86/'
pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/'
- In your
inside ofonCreate
public void onCreate() {
SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);
SoLoader.loadLibrary("zoom"); // <-- ADD THIS LINE
initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
- Optional: Add custom activity config (
If you have custom conference activity, instead official activity or custom UI.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="zm_config_conf_activity">ID of your custom activity</string>
See docs for more details.
- Make sure you have appropriate description in
<string>We will use your Bluetooth to access your Bluetooth headphones.</string>
<string>For people to see you during meetings, we need access to your camera.</string>
<string>For people to hear you during meetings, we need access to your microphone.</string>
<string>For people to share, we need access to your photos.</string>
Update pods using
cd ios/ && pod install && cd ..
Make sure to set
for both Debug and Release because bitcode is not supported by Zoom iOS SDK -
Optional: Implement custom UI See docs for more details.
import ZoomUs from 'react-native-zoom-us';
// initialize minimal
await ZoomUs.initialize({
clientKey: '...',
clientSecret: '...',
// initialize using JWT
await ZoomUs.initialize({
jwtToken: '...',
// initialize with extra config
await ZoomUs.initialize({
clientKey: '...',
clientSecret: '...',
domain: ''
}, {
disableShowVideoPreviewWhenJoinMeeting: true,
enableCustomizedMeetingUI: true
// Start Meeting
await ZoomUs.startMeeting({
userName: 'Johny',
meetingNumber: '12345678',
userId: 'our-identifier',
zoomAccessToken: zak,
userType: 2, // optional
// Join Meeting
await ZoomUs.joinMeeting({
userName: 'Johny',
meetingNumber: '12345678',
// Join Meeting with extra params
await ZoomUs.joinMeeting({
userName: 'Johny',
meetingNumber: '12345678',
password: '1234',
noAudio: true,
noVideo: true,
// Leave Meeting
await ZoomUs.leaveMeeting()
// Connect Audio
await ZoomUs.connectAudio()
// you can also use autoConnectAudio: true in `ZoomUs.joinMeeting`
The plugin has been tested for joinMeeting
using [smoke test procedure]
- react-native-zoom-us: 6.5.1
- react-native: 0.66.0
- node: 14.16.0
- macOS: 10.15.5
- XCode: 12.4
- android minSdkVersion: 21
You have to eject your expo project to use this library.