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Using the CLI

Matthew Little edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 2 revisions



dotnet tool install -g meadow.cli


After installing the dotnet tool globally the command meadow should be added to your PATH. From command line run meadow. A Powershell Core session will be launched and loaded with Meadow commands.

$ meadow

Use man Some-Command to show information and available parameters for a command. Use tab completion for commands and parameters. For more information on PowerShell see

Generate Accounts

PS> Generate-Accounts

Optionally, save account keys to file for later usage. By default they are only in memory and will be gone after existing the CLI.

PS> Write-Accounts -Password *******

To load the accounts in a later session:

PS> Read-Accounts -Password *******

Accounts are automatically loaded in a later session if saved without encryption.

PS> Write-Accounts -EncryptData $false


Run man Update-Config to see all configuration options.

Example for configuring the solc optimization level:

PS> Update-Config -SolcOptimizer 200

Using an external RPC server

This example uses the Rinkeby testnet provided by's public JSON-RPC over https service.

PS> Update-Config -NetworkHost

Another example using a geth node running on the local machine with the default RPC port 8545:

PS> Update-Config -NetworkHost

Once local accounts and network configuration have been setup, the workspace can be initialized for contract deployment and interaction with the network.

PS> Initialize-Workspace console
# RPC client connected to server Network version: 4
# Watching for file changes in source directory: Contracts

Using the built-in test RPC server

Initial the workspace in development mode to spawn a local development / test server:

PS> Initialize-Workspace development
# Starting RPC test server...
# Started RPC test server at
# RPC client connected to server Network version: 77
# Watching for file changes in source directory: Contracts

The server port can be specified with:

PS> Update-Config -NetworkPort 4567

Contract Deployment

Example of deploying this EIP20 token contract.

Add the EIP20.sol source files to the Contracts directory. The code will be automatically compiled if the workspace is initialized.

PS> $tokenContract = Deploy-Contract EIP20 -_initialAmount 10000 -_tokenName "Test Token" -_decimalUnits 18 -_tokenSymbol "TTO"

PS> $tokenContract = Deploy-Contract EIP20 -_initialAmount 10000 -_tokenName "Test Token" -_decimalUnits 18 -_tokenSymbol "TTO" -FromAccount $accounts[3] -Gas 4000000

PS> $tokenContract.ContractAddress
# 0x007d0cb5e18d8d55503b054f63804e3890d84ac0

PS> $tokenContract = $contracts.EIP20::At($rpcClient, "0x007d0cb5e18d8d55503b054f63804e3890d84ac0", $accounts[0]).Result

Interacting with Contracts

PS> $tokenContract.decimals().Call().Result
# 18

PS> $tokenContract.balanceOf
# Meadow.Contract.EthFunc[Meadow.Core.EthTypes.UInt256] balanceOf(Meadow.Core.EthTypes.Address _owner)

PS> $tokenContract.balanceOf($accounts[0]).Call().Result
# 10000

PS> $tokenContract.transfer($accounts[3], 15).EventLogs().Result
#    EventName       : Transfer
#    EventSignature  : ddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef
#    Address         : 0x007d0cb5e18d8d55503b054f63804e3890d84ac0
#    BlockHash       : 0x5ed48a10989ae1d24a4afbd17a3422978e145c7af1aa7f6e96d1493644fd8252
#    BlockNumber     : 2906806
#    LogIndex        : 0
#    Data            : {0, 0, 0, 0...}
#    Topics          : {0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef, 0x00000000000000000000000021957f175bea92989d6078d72d39a13cd8418ead,
#                    0x00000000000000000000000040d09902d9df8090ee567649de4b30787e4df1a5}
#    TransactionHash : 0xe5697f0a5572a35077ac33daef0bfbbb2cfe630593c376a4c4f5eddfe29c4de5
#    LogArgs         : {(_from, address, True, 0x21957f175bea92989d6078d72d39a13cd8418ead), (_to, address, True, 0x40d09902d9df8090ee567649de4b30787e4df1a5), (_value, uint256, False, 15)}
#    _from           : 0x21957f175bea92989d6078d72d39a13cd8418ead
#    _to             : 0x40d09902d9df8090ee567649de4b30787e4df1a5
#    _value          : 15

PS> $tokenContract.balanceOf($accounts[3]).Call().Result
# 15

PS> $tokenContract.transfer($accounts[5], 5).EventLogs([Meadow.JsonRpc.Types.TransactionParams]::New($accounts[4])).Result
PS> $tokenContract.transfer($accounts[5], 5).EventLogs((New-Object Meadow.JsonRpc.Types.TransactionParams -Property @{From = $accounts[3]; Gas = 4000000})).Result