A simple tool that allows using fsx files for configuration.
There is a convention in place for the name of the function that is changing the config in the script file: changeConfiguration
Doesn't support saving a new configuration at runtime.
You can watch the example in tests\FSharp.FsxConfig.Tests or follow the description below:
dotnet new console -lang F#
dotnet add package FSharp.FsxConfig
Change the content of the program.fs with:
open FSharp.FsxConfig
type MyConfiguration = {
athing: int
something: string
module MyConfiguration =
let internal Default: MyConfiguration = { athing = 1; something = "default value" }
|> applyScriptConfiguration "change app configuration.fsx"
|> Result.bind (applyScriptConfiguration "config.fsx")
|> printfn "Hello from F# %A"
Create some 2 script files (check names from above example, and replace your project build output in the #r include):
#r "bin/Debug/net6.0/REPLACE_ME_WITH_YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.dll"
let changeConfiguration (conf: Program.MyConfiguration) =
// you can have comments, the tooling will let you know if the typing is out of synch
{ conf with athing = conf.athing + 10 }
dotnet run
- something is wrong with files location, references, etc. you can see the details of errors in console by enabling verbose messages:
FSharp.FsxConfig.verbose <- true