This is an implementation of 6 classic RL algorithms in MegEngine. The algorithms include DQN, DDPG, PG, A2C, SAC(continuous), and SAC(discrete). These algorithms can be run in the Classic Control, Atari, and MuJoCo environments in Gymnasium.
Before running the code, please install basecls[all], envpool, portalocker, h5py, numba, matplotlib, gymnasium[classic-control], gymnasium[atari], gymnasium[mujoco], AutoROM. And run:
AutoROM --accept-license
See requirement.txt for the full environment.
You can run "python baserl/tools/" to train a certain RL model on a given task, e.g.
python baserl/tools/ -task Classic/CartPole-v1 -alg DQN -save the_name_of_log_directory --seed 1
We offer many examples in the "scripts" directory. You can simply run
sh scripts/train_[algname]_[taskname].sh
to apply the algorithm "algname" to the task "taskname".
You can modify baserl/configs/[tasktype]_[algname] to set the hyperparameters, training scheme, log path and etc.
Similar to training, you can run "python baserl/tools/" to evaluate a trained RL model on a given task, e.g.
python baserl/tools/ -task Atari/Pong -alg DQN -save the_name_of_log_directory --seed 1 --is_atari -load /path/to/the/model/checkpoint
Please make sure the setting in baserl/configs/[tasktype]_[algname] is compatible to the trained model to be evaluated.
The code borrows heavily from Tianshou by thu-ml, which is an RL platform based on PyTorch.