I'm a student with some free time on my hands! I usually code in C/C++, but I sometimes do stuff in other languages.
Most of my smaller projects are open-source, but if I'm doing something commercial or large, I don't really like having it open-source. Unless stated otherwise, all of my projects here on GitHub are open-source, so feel free to use or redistribute them, even for commercial purposes. Most of my projects are licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
openArabTools - an open-source C++ implemenation of a student-only Java library
EscapeFromOlomoucRegion - a simple web game available on my website
MCServerStatusBot - an open-source C++ Discord Bot for getting the status of a Minecraft Server
MinisterOS - just a test x86 BIOS OS which displays time, RAM and CPU vendor
SimpleUEFI - a "simple" UEFI x64 boot example
Other projects (aka. the ones not mentioned here) are usually either testing or abandoned projects without any significance.
Please contribute to the larger repos. Like actually, please do.