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Run Docker compose

docker compose up -d

Run project

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet run --launch-profile https

Initialize your projects

create sln

dotnet new sln -n RiverBooks

create webapi

dotnet new webapi -n RiverBooks.Web

add RiverBooks.Web to .sln file

dotnet sln RiverBooks.sln add ./src/RiverBooks.Web/RiverBooks.Web.csproj

create class library for Books module

dotnet new classlib -n RiverBooks.Books -o ./RiverBooks.Books

add Books module to .sln file

dotnet sln RiverBooks.sln add ./src/RiverBooks.Books/RiverBooks.Books.csproj

add nuget package

dotnet add package "[package name]"

Instal Migration tools

Add nuget package to Web project

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

Install dotnet migration tool

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef

Db Migrations Books

Add migration

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet ef migrations add Initial -c BookDbContext -p ../BooksModule/RiverBooks.Books/RiverBooks.Books.csproj -s ./RiverBooks.Web.csproj -o Data/Migrations

-c BookDbContext: specify where to find DbContext and what DbContext to use. Assuming you only have one DbContext named BookDbContext, this is sufficient.

-p ../RiverBooks.Books/RiverBooks.Books.csproj: Then you have to specify the project where it's found

-s ./RiverBooks.Web.csproj: Then we need to specify the startup project, which is where we are.

-o Data/Migrations: And then we finally, you're going to want to say where should those migrations be output within the books module. And I'm going to put them inside of a migrations folder underneath a data folder, and it's going to be ahead and create those for us.

Apply migration to Database

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet ef database update -c BookDbContext

For Testing, for more detail:
dotnet ef database update -- --environment Testing

Db Migrations Users

Add migration

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet ef migrations add InitialUsers -c UsersDbContext -p ../UsersModule/RiverBooks.Users/RiverBooks.Users.csproj -s ./RiverBooks.Web.csproj -o Data/Migrations

Apply migration to Database

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet ef database update -c UsersDbContext

For Testing, for more detail:
dotnet ef database update -- --environment Testing

Db Migrations OrderProcessing

Add migration

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet ef migrations add Initial_OrderProcessing -c OrderProcessingDbContext -p ../OrderProcessingModule/RiverBooks.OrderProcessing/RiverBooks.OrderProcessing.csproj -s ./RiverBooks.Web.csproj -o Data/Migrations

Apply migration to Database

cd src/RiverBooks.Web
dotnet ef database update -c OrderProcessingDbContext

Add reference project

dotnet add reference [your path project]

Error: The SSL connection could not be established

dotnet dev-certs https --trust


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