The colorprompt module. Colors your bash prompt.
The colorprompt module creates /etc/profile.d/, which sets a colored prompt. Different colors can be set for (all and specific) users, server name and environment tag.
All interaction with the colorprompt module can be done through the main colorprompt class.
include 'colorprompt'
class { 'colorprompt':
env_name => 'PROD',
env_color => ['white', 'bg_red'],
server_color => 'red',
default_usercolor => 'cyan',
custom_usercolors => {
'root' => 'magenta',
- Foreground colors (
):- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
- empty
- Background colors (
):- bg_black
- bg_red
- bg_green
- bg_yellow
- bg_blue
- bg_magenta
- bg_cyan
- bg_white
- empty
- Styles (
):- bright
- faint
- underline
- blink
- empty
You can set your available settings in hashes. A background color can also be defined by using bg_(color).Foreground and background colors can be combined by using arrays instead of strings (see env_color in example above).
- colorprompt: Main and only class.
String. Ensure if file /etc/profile.d/ is present or absent. Defaults to present.
String or array. Sets the color for all users. Specific user colors can be overrided by 'custom_usercolors'. Defaults to 'cyan'.
Hash. Sets the color for specific users. Example: custom_usercolors => { 'apache' => 'blue', 'tomcat' => 'yellow' } Default is { 'root' => 'magenta' }
String or array. Sets the color for the server name. Defaults to unset.
String or array. Sets the color for pwd. Defaults to unset.
String: Names an environment tag. Examples: 'PROD', 'QA', 'TEST', 'DEV'. Defaults to unset.
String or array. Sets the color for of the environment tag. Defaults to unset
Boolean. Enable or disable git_prompt. Default is false
String. Sets the final PS1 variable. This is an advanced setting, and should probably be left untouched unless you know what you're doing. :) Default varies with osfamily.
Boolean. Comments out PS1 variables in /etc/skel/.bashrc Default varies with osfamily.
Boolean. Comments out PS1 variables in /root/.bashrc Default varies with osfamily
String. Package name bash-completion (install only if git_prompt equal true) Defaults to 'bash-completion'
String. Package name git (install only if git_prompt equal true) Defaults to 'git'
Hash. Hash of foreground colors.
Default: value of $::colorprompt::params::fg_colors
Hash. Hash of background colors.
Default: value of $::colorprompt::params::bg_colors.
Hash. Hash of styles.
Default: value of $::colorprompt::params::styles
This module has been tested against Puppet 3.0 and higher.
The module has been tested on:
- RedHat & CentOS 5/6/7
- Ubuntu 12.04 & 14.04
- Debian 6/7/8
- Fedora 22/23
Ubuntu and Debian need modification to existing user ~/.bashrc files (comment out PS1 variables).
Please use the issue tracker ( for any type of contribution.