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Created as part of JFTT (Języki Formalne i Teoria Translacji). It compiles programs written in simple imperative language for Register Machine. Specification can be found in specification.pdf, beware it is written in polish.

General Information

Compiler is written in C++ with small parts of C. Tests are run using python.

Tools and their version used in compiling:

  • Linux!
  • make 4.1
  • gcc 7.3
  • bison 3.0.4
  • flex 2.6.4

To run tests:

  • python 3.6.7


  • Test0 - 1st place
  • Test1 - 10th place
  • Test2 - 1st place
  • Test3 - 1st place
  • Test4 - 5th place
  • Test5 - 200th place
  • Test6 - 9th place

Final place: 17th. Final mark: 5.5. Some optimizations (probable due to an undetected bug) resulted in returning wrong value in Test5. I am unable to reproduce the results, the implementations of tests are secret. Still, the compiler got best possible mark (4.5 from 17th place and +1 by winning first place in one test[the bonus does not stack]).

Project structure


Contains code for Register Machine and couple of assembler programs, including fast mul div and mod.



General directory for static classes generating code for complex math operations and sub optimal const generation.


Simple directory with commonly used structs.


The bison and flex code directory. Contains static class for running simple python emulator.


All intermediate representations are written in this directory. More about them below.


Class representation of register and register machine (basically a couple of registers). Registers know their state and value (if it's const). RegisterBlock handles register allocation and memory operations.


Couple of small programs written in C++ used for debugging programs or concept testing ideas.


Directory containing tests. They can be run by entering this directory and typing:


Directories 01-03 contain IR specific tests so they are probably useless outside of this projects. Director 04 contains tests for basic scenarios. Directory 05 contains tests necessary for passing the course. Directories 06. and 07. are extra tests for testing implemented optimizations and general programs.

Intermediate representations


The base of IR is represented in Block form:

#jump to nextBlockName
#end of blockName

If a block ends with a condition-like instruction:

#ifTrue blockNameIfConditionTrue
#ifFalse blockNameIfConditionFalse
#end of blockName2


FirstIR is a direct creation of bison parser. Due to the way this parsing works the jumps between blocks are not always explicit. If there is no jump instruction at the end of block it should jump to the next stored (not named!) block. Sometimes block with no instruction lines can appear. This is to help navigate jumps.

General opcodes

Operand Arguments Meaning
READ A Read stdin to variable A
WRITE A Write A to stdout
CONST A B Set variable A value to number B
COPY A B Copy B value to A
INC A Increase value of A by 1
DEC A Decrease value of A by 1
ADD A B To A add B
SUB A B From A subtract B
MUL A B Multiply A by B
DIV A B Divide A by B
MOD A B Calculate A modulo B
HALT none End

Condition opcodes

Operand Arguments Meaning
JUMP none Jump to next block
JZERO A If A is 0 then jump
JODD A If A is odd then do block jump
JLS A B If A is less than B do block jump
JMR A B If A is more than B do block jump
JLE A B If A is less or equal to B do block jump
JME A B If A is more or equal to B do block jump
JNE A B If A is NOT equal to B do block jump
JEQ A B If A is equal to B do block jump


Second IR eliminates the problems created by FirstIR by removing implicit jumps and empty blocks. Each block (except the last, there is nowhere to jump) ends with either conditional jumps or direct jump to other block. This can be easily translated to a directed cycle graph. Which is easily translated to directed acyclic graph. Used optimizations:

  • removing unused iterators
  • removing add/sub when dealing with small constants and using inc/dec
  • fast mul/div by powers of 2
  • fast mod by 2
  • removing unused calculations
  • replacing a/a by 1
  • replacing a%a by 0


Optimizes further and replaces illegal jump instruction with more legal ones. Main optimizations used here: removing copy X X and replacing jumps with zeros to simpler constructions.

FourthIR + RegisterBlock

Replaces calculations done in virtual registers to one done in real registers. Adds loading and storing from memory to registers.


Final IR replacing labels with proper jumps. Removes jumps when they are unnecessary. Shuffles blocks a bit to minimize jumping.


Compiler for JFTT








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