This repository contains a correct-by-construction approach for refactoring tuples to records in a Haskell-like language (HLL). This is done for the 2022/2023 edition of the BSc Research Project at the Delft Univesity of Technology. An example of the refactoring operation is shown below.
-- Before
lastName :: (String, String, Int) -> String
lastName (_, s, _) = s
-- After
data Person = Person { initials :: String
, lastName :: String
, age :: Int
All relevant information can be found in the src folder. The structure is as follows:
- HLL - Intrinsically-typed specification of the HLL and big-step semantics.
- Proofs - Proof that the refactoring operation replaces all tuples by record instances and a relation between values of a pre-refactored and refactored expression.
- Refactoring - Refactoring operation that replaces all tuples by record instances. Treats all tuples as if they were unique. The accompanying record declaration is based on the type signature of the tuple.
- Utils - Utility folder that contains a construct which specifies that some element is in a list.