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Utilities for MetaMask's GitHub Actions.


yarn add @metamask/action-utils


npm install @metamask/action-utils


For example:

import {
} from '@metamask/action-utils';

// Partial<PackageManifest>
const rawManifest = await getPackageManifest('directory/package.json');

// Partial<PackageManifest> & { version: string }
// The version must be valid SemVer, or the function will throw.
// The manifest is returned unmodified.
const manifestWithVersion = await validatePackageManifestVersion(

For more examples of how these utilities are used, see:


Run yarn test to run the tests once.

To run tests on file changes, run yarn test:watch.

Release & Publishing

The project follows the same release process as the other libraries in the MetaMask organization:

  1. Create a release branch
    • For a typical release, this would be based on main
    • To update an older maintained major version, base the release branch on the major version branch (e.g. 1.x)
  2. Update the changelog
  3. Update version in package.json file (e.g. yarn version --minor --no-git-tag-version)
  4. Create a pull request targeting the base branch (e.g. master or 1.x)
  5. Code review and QA
  6. Once approved, the PR is squashed & merged
  7. The commit on the base branch is tagged
  8. The tag can be published as needed