Working Title of the new MetaMeute homepage containing the meutewiki which is powered by gollum ( A at least roughly up to date version is running at
For a more recent version of the webpage (random branches from here merged at will) see If you want to have a branch merged into the testing instance, contact johnyb.
If you want to have something changed, please fork, commit your changes with a decent commit message and send us a pull-request.
To setup a development environment, clone the project and run the bundle
After that you need to init a git repository for development. The default installation uses db/meutewiki.git
a location for the wiki.
To init a git repository there, do the following in your rails root:
mkdir db/meutewiki.git
cd db/meutewiki.git
git init --bare
After that you can run rails s
and point your browser to http://localhost:3000/ to see this
thing in action.
When running in development or test environment, signing in using any value as Nick and the password "secure!" should create a new session with the given user.
Fork the project on github and start hacking. When you are done, submit a pull request.
All feature branches in the main repository are likeliy to be rebased onto master from time to time. Make sure you know, what you are doing before merging those. You should expect breakage from time to time ;)