Godot Q-Learning is an implementation of a Q-Table for problems of Reinforcement Learning. It is based on the tutorial series https://simoninithomas.github.io/Deep_reinforcement_learning_Course/
You can use the algorithm however you may want, but it already has a maze example shown as above. Note that the example comes with:
- 4 Actions: Up, down, left and right;
- 256 States: since the default maze size is (16 * 16). You can change the default maze however you want, even expand it, but you will need to set the "number of states" based on the new maze.
Executed when a new episode starts
executeStep(action, arrayToUpdate)
Executed when a new step is requested to be executed Requires to update the array passed as a reference like [newState, reward, done]
initQTable(startValue: int) -> void
Init a Q-Table
initQLearning() -> void
Init Q-Learning algorithm
qFunctionValue(state, action, newState, reward) -> int
Get the value of the new Q(s, a)
nextEpisode() -> void
Run the next episode
runAllEpisodes() -> void
Run all episodes
actionsN: int =
Number of actions Actions: up, down, left and right
statesN: int =
Number of states Maze of 16 x 16
seedToUse: int =
Seed to be used on the random number generation, if set to false the seed will be randomized
totalEpisodes: int =
Number of episodes to generate
learningRate: float =
Learning rate
maxSteps: int =
256 \* 5
Max steps per episode
gamma: float =
Discounting rate
epsilon: float =
Exploration rate
maxEpsilon: float =
Exploration probability at the start
minEpsilon: float =
Minimum exploration probability
decayRate: float =
The exponential decay rate for exploration pro
rewards: Array =
Accumulated rewards
qTable: Array =
The generated q-table (statesN x actionsN)
currentEpisode: int =
Stores the number of the current episode
currentState: int =
Stores the current state
canRunEpisodes: bool =
Store if the algorithm has started