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Trinagle Type Determiner

A simple application to determine type of a triangle based on its sides.
This program comes with three ways to retrive information needed to do the determination :

  • WebUI
  • An intercative CLI
  • An Endpoint


you need to have Node and Yarn installed.

How to run locally

Clone the project First then run


This will intsall all the dependencies required

Available Scripts

Running Web Application

yarn run-app

Runs the WebUI in the development mode & the endpoint server module

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Interactive CLI

yarn cli

Launches the CLI; It will ask sides of the triangle one by one and returns the result

Endpoint (server module)

yarn back-end

Only starts the server module which is responsible for handling get and post requests it will be listening on http://localhost:5002/typeDeterminer and expects three parameters as query-string


and returns a json as a successful response or (400) bad request if parameters are invalid

  "isTraingle": true,
  "description": "A scalene triangle"

Running Tests

Unit tests

yarn test

Intergation test

to run integration tests you need to run Web Application first by   yarn run-app

yarn cypress:open


This repo doesn't solve any real world problem nor do anything really useful which sounds like there is no need to contribute. By the way if you still would like to contribute (:|) your welcomed here; just make sure you didn't break anything by running all tests and prettify your code using prettier global style before sending pull request. peace :)


TriangleTypeDeterminer is a MIT licensed project.