##Command Line Interface for manage failed events on websphere.
Add this script to your file sistem (Where the WebSphere installed).
To launch tool type:
{path_to_wsadmin}/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f {path_to_fem-cli}/fem-cli.py -user {user_alias} -password {password_alias}
Or you can create a .sh script with this command.
After launch you will be asked for input:
147 ID:414d51204342514d2020202020202020f33dcf5450020010 JMS [ Mon Feb 16 16:13:19 MSK 2015 ] None
Full event information 'I'
Resubmit event 'R'
Delete event 'D'
Skip event 'S'
After type I:
MessageID: A201D8E9FA97FAC5_24000017
FailureDateTime: Thu Mar 19 17:14:13 MSK 2015
Failure Message: com.ibm.websphere.sca.ServiceRuntimeException: com.ibm.bpe.api.RuntimeFaultException: [...]
Resubmit event 'R'
Delete event 'D'
Skip event 'S'
Optionally you can pass an 'sourceModuleName' parameter, to specify a module name.