UniMasterLinker is a Unity editor extension that synchronizes master data between Google Sheets and Unity and automatically generates API classes.
Designed for game development in Unity, it offers management of master data and generation of API classes using pure C#.
This library is provided as a UnityPackage. Download the latest .unitypackage
file from the release page and import it into your project.
Copy Master Data for Google Sheet from MasterSheet to your Google Drive.
Use the editor window to retrieve data from Google Sheets and dynamically generate API classes. A sample usage is as follows:
[MenuItem("UniMasterLinker/Update API Classes")]
private static async void UpdateAPIClassFile()
// Add implementation here
All platforms supported by Unity are supported, as UniMasterLinker is written in pure C#.
To use UniMasterLinker, the following dependencies are required:
add to Packages/manifest.json
"com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "3.2.1",
"com.cysharp.unitask": "2.5.0",
UniTask: A library for easier handling of asynchronous operations. It can be installed from https://github.com/Cysharp/UniTask.git.
Newtonsoft.Json: Used for processing JSON data. Install via Unity's PackageManager.
These dependencies are necessary to fully utilize the features offered by UniMasterLinker.