File subsystem originally created for Zendes2.5.
IODevice - base device interface.
- ResDevice (internal files) - uses java resources (readonly)
- DirDevice (directory) - creates IODevice with selected directory as paths root
- AbsDevice (external files) - used only for work with external files ('abs:' is not allowed by IOPath.get, use Disk.absolute instead)
- MemoryDevice (in-memory files) - used as virtual device with data stored in memory
Example of initialization:
// creates ResDevice with label 'res' at root of java resources
Disk.createResDevice("res", "/");
// creates DirDevice from given directory
Disk.createDirDevice("user", new File(gameDir));
Reading string:
String text = IOPath.get("res:texts/names.txt").readString();
// or
String text = IOPath.get("res:texts/names.txt").readString(charset);
Reading bytes array:
byte[] bytes = IOPath.get("res:colomaps/").readBytes();
Reading properties:
Properties properties = new Properties();
Write string:
// 'user' device is added with Disk.createDirDevice("user", new File(...));
Write bytes array:
Work with external files:
// initialization
// create absolute IOPath
IOPath file = Disk.absolute("/home/user/segfault.wav");
// -> abs:home/user/segfault.wav
Add custom IODevice:
Disk.addDevice("name", new ...);
Close and remove IODevice from Disk (does not affect real files):
Add IODevice temporary to use with Disk:
try (Disk.TempLabelHandle handle = Disk.addDeviceTemporary(device)) {
IOPath.get(handle.label+":test.txt").write("Some text");
Create memory device based on ZIP-file content:
MemoryDevice device = ZIPFile.createDevice(IOPath.get(""));
Unpack ZIP-file:
ZIPFile.unpack(IOPath.get(""), IOPath.get("user:destination/path"));
Create memory device based on TAR-file content:
MemoryDevice device = TARFile.createDevice(new File("some_archive.tar"));
Unpack TAR-file into an existing MemoryDevice:
MemoryDevice device = ...;
TARFile.readInto(new File("some_archive.tar"), device);
// it only store offsets to files content, not actual content
Unpack TAR-file:
TARFile.unpack(new File("some_archive.tar"), IOPath.get("user:destination/path"));
Creating millions devices is only affecting memory and performance