A single-page webapp to build graphs and run algorithms on them with no server-side components.
Use it on my GitHub Pages
- Undirected Unweighted - Just a regular graph
- Directed Unweighted - A digraph (directed graph) with unweighted edges
- Undirected Weighted - A graph with edge weights
- Directed Weighted - A digraph with weighted edges
- Graph Coloring
- Eulericity
- Connected Components
- Breadth-First Shortest Path
- Dijkstra Shortest Path
- Cyclic Not Yet Implemented
- Eulericity
- Strongly Connected Components
- Dijkstra Shortest Path
- Cyclic
- Topological Sort
- Graph Coloring
- Eulericity
- Connected Components
- Breadth-First Shortest Path
- Dijkstra Shortest Path
- Kruskal MST
- Cyclic Not Yet Implemented
- Eulericity
- Strongly Connected Components
- Dijkstra Shortest Path
- Bellman-Ford Shortest Path
- Ford-Fulkerson MinCut-MaxFlow
- Cyclic
- Topological Sort
- Petersen Graph
- Konigsberg Bridges Graph
- Configurable Complete Graph
- Configurable Hypergraph
- Custom Graphs
- Graphically Add/Edit/Delete Vertices and Edges
- Also can use DELETE key to delete selected edges and vertices
- Undo/Redo Change History
- Also can use CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y or CTRL+SHIFT+Z for Undo/Redo