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Turing machine implementation in Haskell with interactive visualization

School 42 project

Install Haskell:

Build and run:

cabal update

cabal new-build

./dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.6.5/ft-turing- --help
usage: ft_turing [-h] jsonfile input

positional arguments:
   jsonfile                 json description of the machine

   input                    input of the machine

optional arguments:
   -h, --help               show this help message and exit


  • unary_sub

    A machine able to compute an unary substruction.

    ./ft-turing ./machines/unary_sub.json 11-1=

    output: 1

  • unary_add

    A machine able to compute an unary addition.

    ./ft-turing ./machines/unary_sub.json 11+11

    output: 1111

  • palindrome

    A machine able to decide whether its input is a palindrome or not. Before halting, write the result on the tape as a 'n' or a 'y' at the right of the rightmost character of the tape.

    ./ft-turing ./machines/palindrome.json PALILILAP

    output: PALILILAPy

  • 0n1n

    A machine able to decide if the input is a word of the language 0n1n, for instance the words 000111 or 0000011111. Before halting, write the result on the tape as a 'n' or a 'y' at the right of the rightmost character of the tape.

    ./ft-turing ./machines/0n1n.json 0011

    output: 0011y

  • 02n

    A machine able to decide if the input is a word of the language 02n, for instance the words 00 or 0000, but not the words 000 or 00000. Before halting, write the result on the tape as a 'n' or a 'y' at the right of the rightmost character of the tape.

    ./ft-turing ./machines/02n.json 00000000

    output: >******Py

  • 05 Pseudo universal

    A machine able to run the first machine of this list, the one computing an unary addition. The machine alphabet, states, transitions and input ARE the input of the machine you are writing, encoded as you see fit.

    initial-state & state-name { [0/1 state-name </> 0/1] ... } ...*input

    ./ft-turing ./machines/05_pseudo_universal.json "C&C{[+S>.][.H>.][1C>1]}S{[1P<+][.H<.]}P{[.C>1]}*11111+111111111111111111"


d Move one step forward a Move one step back

./ft-turing ./machines/unary_add.json 111+11 2>&1 1>/dev/null | python3

./ft-turing ./machines/05_pseudo_universal.json "C&C{[+S>.][.H>.][1C>1]}S{[1P<+][.H<.]}P{[.C>1]}*11111+111" 2>&1 1>/dev/null | python3

Generate Graph for machine config:

pip3 install graphviz

.gv file and .pdf

python3 ./machines/ ./machines/02n.json

python3 ./machines/ ./machines/02n.json ./machines/02n.gv


dot -Tpng -Gdpi=128 machines/02n.gv > machines/02n.png


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