Note: Although this is called dotfiles there are no actual dotfiles in this repo, they are saved and backed up via iCloud.
Steps to make a new machine easier to setup
cd to the script directory.
Make sure make the script executable with
chmod u+x setup-machine.zsh
then run it with./setup-machine.zsh
Make sure that the
script is executable withchmod u+x dock.zsh
The same can be for the backup script
chmod u+x backup.zsh
Then with the backup script you add it as a cron job.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zshrc
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
brew bundle --file [clone loaction]/Brewfile
cd [clone loaction] && brew bundle
In our case, the files are all backed up via iCloud. As a note, at the time of backing up on March 4, 2024, the symlink on macOS 14 seems to be broken and does not allow the linked files to be read correctly.
nvim ~/.mackup.cfg
Add this
engine = icloud
mackup restore --force && mackup uninstall --force
As of writing, this is the best way, as it is somewhat broken on macOS 14, due to broken symlinks. lra/mackup#1924 (comment)
Export ssh keys from 1password and place them in ~/.ssh