The MindFusion Free JsChart library provides to HTML5 / JavaScript applications the ability to create and display various kinds of charts. The component supports bar, pie, scatter and line charts. Many features of the chart output can be customized in a way that suits your project best. Charts can have different styles, colors, fonts and pictures. The API supports unlimited number of series and legends, pan and zoom, themes and more.
Learn more about Free Js Chart at
MindFusion Free JsChart is distrbuted free of charge for commercial and non-commercial use. No attribution is required. Online copy of the EULA is available at:
MindFusion Free JsChart comes with the following examples, which demonstrate different aspects of the control’s functionality:
BarChart - A vertical bar chart with multiple series, legend and grid.
CombiChart - A chart that combines several bar series and one line series. The chart also has a legend and a grid.
LineChart - A line chart with multiple series, custom labels at the X-axis, a legend and a grid.
PieChart - A pie chart with inner labels at pie pieces, a legend and tooltips.
ScatterChart - Scatter chart with data labels, grid, legend and custom labels at the X-axis.
Free JsChart is a subset of MindFusion Charting for JavaScript, whose online documentation is available at:
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The end-user license agreement for JS Diagram is here.