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deploy action

This action consolidates deployment logic into a single (easy-to-use) action. The following functionality is supported:

  • Tokenize any helm chart with based on deployment data and deploy via ArgoCD (available tokens documented below)
  • Automatically remove ArgoCD deployment on branch delete (useful for removing preview environments)
  • Automatically open a draft GitHub pull request on branch creation
  • Automatically link to all deployed services as GitHub pull request comment
  • Add deployment information to GitHub using Deployment API
  • Annotate deployment information in Grafana
  • Add deployment information to JIRA
  • Create Sentry release for deployment

This action is designed to handle the following event types:


This action requires a valid helm values file to work. You'll need to ensure that the file specified at helmChartValuesFilePath exists in order to use this action. To get started with this action (with no modules enabled), add this to your github actions file:

- id: deploy
  uses: modiohealth/action-deployer@next
    appName: api
    githubToken: someTokenHere
    helmChartName: some-random-chart
    helmChartVersion: '1.0.1'
    helmChartValuesFilePath: ./deploy/app.yml
    subdomain: api

Note: if you want to perform any deployments you will need to enable the argocd module (see configuration below):

NOTE 2: the value of secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN does not have the necessary permissions to perform some of the actions performed by this deployment. To remove this restriction you should generate a personal access token and use that instead. More information can be found here.

core configuration

The following core configuration should be set regardless of which modules are enabled for a deployment:

Required Parameter Description Default Value
x appName Application name (defaults to repository name) null
appVersion Application version (defaults to branch name) null
deployPreviewsEnabled Enable deploy previews (defaults to true) true
x dockerRepository Docker repository deploy from null
domain Domain name to use for deployment (defaults to empty) null
gateway Ingress Gateway to use for this service default-gateway
x githubToken GitHub token used by action null
x helmChartRepoUrl Default helm chart repository to use null
x helmChartName Default helm chart to apply null
x helmChartVersion Default helm chart version to use. See for information on versioning null
x helmChartValuesFilePath YAML configuration file path for the chart that will be applied (relative path is fine). Will attempt to pull from this repo if file does not exist. null
path Base path to use to access the app (defaults to empty string) ''
subdomain Base subdomain to access the app null

helm values tokenization

Please note that a token replacement operation will be performed on the helm values file located at helmChartValuesFilePath. If any of the strings below exist in the yaml file they will be replaced with deployment specific values:

Token Description Example Value
__APPNAME__ Application name (automatically generated using appName) demo-app-api
__APPVERSION__ Version of the application (automatically generated based on branch name) develop, preview--branch-name
__DOCKERREPO__ Docker repository to use
__DOCKERTAG__ Docker tag to use develop-efb45b1
__DOMAIN__ Base domain for this service (if applicable)
__GATEWAY__ Ingress Gateway for this service (if applicable) default-gateway
__GIT_SHA__ Full Git SHA 2b8045460ea7442cc81325ceadcd1bb2cb6a3b9c
__PATH__ HTTP path for this service (if applicable). Comes from path. /some-path
__SUBDOMAIN__ Subdomain for this service (if applicable) api, api--my-preview

module specific configuration

The following additional modules can be enabled/configured depending on your preferences.

argocd (highly recommended)

This module is used to deploy the generated helm chart using ArgoCD.

Parameter Description Default Value
argoEnabled ArgoCD Enabled false
argoBaseUrl Base Argo url ''
argoClientId ArgoCD Client ID ''
argoClientSecret ArgoCD Client Secret ''
argoAccessToken ArgoCD Access Token ''
argoNamespace ArgoCD Namespace default
argoProject ArgoCD Project default
clusterUrl Kubernetes Cluster URL to deploy to ''

elastic apm

This module adds APM specific links for deploy preview environments.

Parameter Description Default Value
apmEnabled Elastic APM Enabled false
apmBaseUrl Elastic APM Base URL null


This module adds pull request comments with deployment preview specific links. Note that you must enable other modules in order for them to be included in pull request comments.

Parameter Description Default Value
githubEnabled GitHub enabled (defaults to false) false


This module adds the following annotations to grafana. The following tags are created when the following events occur:

  • Service Deployed
    • deployment:created
    • App Environment (e.g. development, preview, production)
    • App Name (e.g. demo-app-api)
    • App Version (e.g. develop, some-branch-name)
  • Service Destroyed
    • deployment:destroyed
    • App Environment (e.g. development, preview, production)
    • App Name (e.g. demo-app-api)
    • App Version (e.g. develop, some-branch-name)
Parameter Description Default Value
grafanaEnabled Grafana Deployment Annotations Enabled false
grafanaApiKey Grafana API Key null
grafanaBaseUrl Grafana Base URL null


Parameter Description Default Value
jiraEnabled JIRA Deployment Enabled false
jiraClientId JIRA Client ID null
jiraClientSecret JIRA Client Secret null
jiraOrganization JIRA Organization ID null
jiraOrganizationProperty JIRA Organization Property (metadata added to deployments) null


This module adds kibana specific links for deploy preview environments (useful for fetching application logs).

Parameter Description Default Value
kibanaEnabled Kibana Enabled false
kibanaBaseUrl Kibana Base URL null
cloudAccountId Application Cloud Account ID (e.g. AWS account ID) null
kibanaIndex Kibana index to use null


This module creates a sentry release when a deployment is successfully released.

Parameter Description Default Value
sentryEnabled Sentry Releases Enabled false
sentryOrganization Sentry Organization null
sentryProjectId Sentry Project ID null
sentryProjectSlug Sentry Project Slug null
sentryToken Sentry API Token null


This module updates the associated GitHub pull request to include a link to create a vault secret for a deployment if it is missing.

Parameter Description Default Value
vaultEnabled Vault Enabled null
vaultBaseUrl Vault Base URL null
vaultKeyPrefix Vault Key Prefix ''
vaultApiKey Vault API Key null


The default version of this action is currently hardcoded to v1. If action parameter names are changed, removed, or required new parameters are added then the action version will need to be updated to prevent any dependencies from breaking. Basically, be mindful if making changes to action.yml.

See .github/workflows for build and publishing instructions.

NOTE: GitHub actions does not currently support private actions to be shared across projects. No sensitive information should be hardcoded in this action.

Some useful documetation for creating actions:


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