Key Features • How To Use • Download • Related • License
- Calculate different math operations
- Repeat operations up to Infinity
- Calculate with two options :
- 1 - The counter: you can calculate any operation by increasing the counter!
- 2 - The operator: you can calculate any operation depending on the operator itself!, by inserting the usual symbols(/+--%^) in the operator field to represent the desired operation.
- All operations option Algorithm :
- if you choose all operations option then you can calculate all the operations together at the same the '*/+' will mean multiply,divide and add respectively.
- example: +++++***/////+++^^%%%%%!!!///++++---//++++-//+/
- Now the algorithm will calculate all that depending on your input ..starting out by addition 5 times and then multiplication 4 times ..and so on ..
- You can see all this calculation process by clicking the Details Button.
To clone and edit this application, you'll need Git and Visual Studio Community.
-From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd Mega-Number
Note: If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, see this guide or use node
from the command prompt.
You can download latest zip version of Mega Number.
Note: This program requires .NET Framework 4.0.3 or higher ..
if you are using linux you will need MonoDevelop instaled on your machine, which is just an open source version of .NET Framework.
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GitHub @Mohamed-94 ·