a simple set of screen savers made in C and winAPI.
the structure of the graphical code is similar to the tutorial of Ryan Ries for how they were made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zFFrBSdBvA&list=PLlaINRtydtNWuRfd4Ra3KeD6L9FP_tDE7 it is a prety usful tool for aiding in understanding the WinAPI
so far there are 3 screen savers, 2 are completed: Balls, AnalogClock. the third is WIP and is a simple gravity and collision sim.
each of the screensavers, withing their folders, have a folder called Exportable*, this folder is where the finished product is with the requiered DLL. just launch the *.scr or *.exe to run the programs