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AliExpress Product Reviews Scraper

This project is a Python-based web scraper designed to extract reviews and feedback from AliExpress. It uses proxy rotation to avoid rate-limiting and provides functionalities for handling CSV files, among other features. The .csv dataset resulted by this webscraper have several potential use cases like EDA and Sentement Analysis to Determine the overall sentiment from customer reviews. This can help gauge customer satisfaction, identify common issues, and understand product performance.

Project Overview

The code contains functions to:

  • Retrieve HTTP headers for web scraping.
  • Generate dynamic parameters for request URLs.
  • Rotate through a list of HTTP proxies.
  • Check if proxies work with external websites (e.g., Amazon).
  • Save extracted data to CSV files, with conditional creation of the CSV file and headers.

Skills, Languages, and Libraries

This project employs the following skills, languages, and libraries:

  • Programming Language: Python 3.x

  • Libraries:

    • requests: HTTP requests, including error handling with ProxyError, ConnectTimeout, and ConnectionError.
    • csv: Handling CSV file operations.
    • random: For proxy rotation.
    • os: To interact with the operating system for file checks.
    • time: For time-related operations.
  • Skills: Web scraping, proxy rotation, error handling, CSV file manipulation, conditional logic, and exception handling.

Extracted Features

The web scraper collects a variety of features from AliExpress reviews, providing a comprehensive dataset for analysis. The extracted features include:

  • buyerName: The name or username of the buyer who submitted the review.
  • buyerCountry: The country where the buyer is located.
  • Evaluation: The overall evaluation or rating given by the buyer.
  • buyerFeedback: The general feedback or comments from the buyer.
  • buyerProductFeedBack: Specific feedback about the product.
  • buyerTranslationFeedback: Feedback related to translation (if applicable).
  • downVoteCount: The number of downvotes the review received.
  • upVoteCount: The number of upvotes the review received.
  • evalData: Additional data related to the evaluation.
  • evaluationId: The unique identifier for the evaluation.
  • responsiveness: The responsiveness rating for the product.
  • warrantyService: The warranty or service rating.
  • functionality: The functionality rating.
  • status: The status of the review.


To run this project, you need:

  • Python 3.x
  • The libraries listed above
  • A CSV file containing HTTP proxies (like http_proxies.txt), can be downloaded from ProxyScrape. Make sure to use proxies that is near to your location
  • Note: The proxy rotator is disabled, which means that runing the code will send requests using your ip address. To prevent this, you can add the parameter proxies=rotateProxy() as an argument to the request function in line 86.


  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Ensure Python and the required libraries are installed.
  3. Place your http_proxies.txt file in the working directory. Ensure it has the correct format (with headers).


In the main script, you can customize the following variables based on your requirements:

  • productId: The identifier for the AliExpress product you're scraping. Default: "1005006074818290" (can be found at the beggining URL of the product main page).
  • pageNumber: The starting page for scraping. Default: 1.
  • pageSize: The number of reviews to fetch per page. Default: 50 (Don't increase the pageSize over then 50, it can lead to IP bans.
  • numOfPages: The total number of pages to scrape. Default: 30.

Adjust these values as needed for your specific use case.

Running the Code

To run the scraper:



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