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2019 MolSSI Education Website

This repo contains files for a website for MolSSI Education (for summer schools or things like that.)

This website is built with Jekyll uses the minima theme.

Getting Started

To run this website locally,

  1. Install Jekyll following the instruction
  2. Command gem install jekyll bundler will find all the dependencies in Gemfile and install them. Make sure to run them before build.
  3. Run bundle install to install all jekyll dependencies.
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll serve in terminal. It builds the website and runs it on a local web server at http://localhost:4000, rebuilding the site any time you make a change.

Resources Update

Resources page will automatically retrieve the data from _data/resources/ folder. Each category (tab) has a .yml file. Assuming all the resources links have "" as domain except for the external resources.

  • To add a new resource, go to the file accordingly and add a key/value pairs in yml format. Only the relative path needs to be added as link value. For external resource, full link needs to be added as full_link value.
  • To add a new tab:
    • Create a new tab_name_in_snake_case.yml file inside _data/resources/ folder with the file name in snake case (e.g: 'Software Development' tab should have a 'software_development.yml' file). The content of the file should be in similar format as other yaml files.
    • Add the tab 'title' and/or 'description' of the tab into _data/resources_tab.yml file in the desired order. The list of tabs will be listed in the top-to-bottom order of category (tab) listed in this file.

Events Update

To add a event, find _events folder and create a new file.

For each event, be sure have title, location, expires (YYYY-MM-DD), event_date (format doesn't matter, this part is read as text), and boolean value repeated. Don't forget to update the events map data too.

Events Map Update

Events map is currently running on static data stores in assets/events.csv. Everytime when a new event is added, the frequency of events in certain city needs to be manually updated to add 1 onto it. If this is a new city, please search the acurate longitude and latitude. Longgitude and latitude can be found here. Online event is defaulted to Blacksburg, VA.