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prune qcng_computer (#22)
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* separate schema files, move computer

* rename

* missed one
  • Loading branch information
loriab authored Apr 27, 2024
1 parent 8629aae commit 7e8e1fd
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Showing 8 changed files with 289 additions and 553 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion qcmanybody/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
from .manybody_pydv1 import (
from .manybody_input_pydv1 import (
from .manybody_output_pydv1 import (
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions qcmanybody/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@

from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Literal, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

# v2: from pydantic import create_model, Field, field_validator, FieldValidationInfo
from pydantic.v1 import create_model, Field, validator
except ImportError:
from pydantic import create_model, Field, validator

from qcelemental.models.types import Array
#from .basemodels import ExtendedConfigDict, ProtoModel
from qcelemental.models.common_models import Model
from qcelemental.models.molecule import Molecule
from qcelemental.models.results import AtomicResultProperties, AtomicResultProtocols
from qcelemental.models import DriverEnum, ProtoModel, Provenance

# ==== Misplaced & Next Models ================================================

class AtomicSpecification(ProtoModel):
"""Specification for a single point QC calculation"""

keywords: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description="The program specific keywords to be used.")
program: str = Field(..., description="The program for which the Specification is intended.")

schema_name: Literal["qcschema_atomicspecification"] = "qcschema_atomicspecification"
driver: DriverEnum = Field(..., description=DriverEnum.__doc__)
model: Model = Field(..., description=Model.__doc__)
protocols: AtomicResultProtocols = Field(

class ResultBase(ProtoModel):
"""Base class for all result classes"""

#input_data: InputBase = Field(..., description=InputBase.__doc__)
input_data: Any
success: bool = Field(
description="A boolean indicator that the operation succeeded or failed. Allows programmatic assessment of "
"all results regardless of if they failed or succeeded by checking `result.success`.",
stdout: Optional[str] = Field(
description="The primary logging output of the program, whether natively standard output or a file. Presence vs. absence (or null-ness?) configurable by protocol.",
stderr: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The standard error of the program execution.")

class SuccessfulResultBase(ResultBase):
"""Base object for any successful result"""

success: Literal[True] = Field(True, description="Always `True` for a successful result")

# ==== Protocols ==============================================================

class ManyBodyProtocolEnum(str, Enum):
Which atomic evaluations to keep in a many body evaluation.

all = "all"
all_real = "all_real"
largest_body = "largest_body"
none = "none"

class ManyBodyProtocols(ProtoModel):
Protocols regarding the manipulation of a ManyBody output data.

atomics: ManyBodyProtocolEnum = Field(

# v2: model_config = ExtendedConfigDict(force_skip_defaults=True)
class Config:
force_skip_defaults = True

# ==== Inputs =================================================================

class BsseEnum(str, Enum):
"""Available basis-set superposition error (BSSE) treatments."""

nocp = "nocp" # plain supramolecular interaction energy
cp = "cp" # Boys-Bernardi counterpoise correction; site-site functional counterpoise (SSFC)
vmfc = "vmfc" # Valiron-Mayer function counterpoise
ssfc = "cp"

def formal(self):
return {
"nocp": "Non-Counterpoise Corrected",
"cp": "Counterpoise Corrected",
"vmfc": "Valiron-Mayer Function Counterpoise",

def abbr(self):
return {
"nocp": "NoCP",
"cp": "CP",
"vmfc": "VMFC",

FragBasIndex = Tuple[Tuple[int], Tuple[int]]

class ManyBodyKeywords(ProtoModel):
"""The many-body-specific keywords for user control."""

bsse_type: List[BsseEnum] = Field(
# definitive description
description="Requested BSSE treatments. First in list determines which interaction or total "
"energy/gradient/Hessian returned.",
embedding_charges: Dict[int, List[float]] = Field(
description="Atom-centered point charges to be used on molecule fragments whose basis sets are not included in "
"the computation. Keys: 1-based index of fragment. Values: list of atom charges for that fragment.",
# TODO embedding charges should sum to fragment charge, right? enforce?
# TODO embedding charges irrelevant to CP (basis sets always present)?
"shape": ["nfr", "<varies: nat in ifr>"],
return_total_data: Optional[bool] = Field(
# definitive description
description="When True, returns the total data (energy/gradient/Hessian) of the system, otherwise returns "
"interaction data. Default is False for energies, True for gradients and Hessians. Note that the calculation "
"of counterpoise corrected total energies implies the calculation of the energies of monomers in the monomer "
"basis, hence specifying ``return_total_data = True`` may carry out more computations than "
"``return_total_data = False``. For gradients and Hessians, ``return_total_data = False`` is rarely useful.",
levels: Optional[Dict[Union[int, Literal["supersystem"]], str]] = Field(
# definitive description. appended in Computer
description="Dictionary of different levels of theory for different levels of expansion. Note that the primary "
"method_string is not used when this keyword is given. ``supersystem`` computes all higher order n-body "
"effects up to the number of fragments; this higher-order correction uses the nocp basis, regardless of "
"bsse_type. A method fills in for any lower unlisted nbody levels. Note that if "
"both this and max_nbody are provided, they must be consistent. Examples: "
"SUPERSYSTEM definition suspect"
"* {1: 'ccsd(t)', 2: 'mp2', 'supersystem': 'scf'} "
"* {2: 'ccsd(t)/cc-pvdz', 3: 'mp2'} "
"* Now invalid: {1: 2, 2: 'ccsd(t)/cc-pvdz', 3: 'mp2'} ",
max_nbody: Optional[int] = Field(
# definitive description
description="Maximum number of bodies to include in the many-body treatment. Possible: max_nbody <= nfragments. "
"Default: max_nbody = nfragments.",
supersystem_ie_only: Optional[bool] = Field(
# definitive description
description="Target the supersystem total/interaction energy (IE) data over the many-body expansion (MBE) "
"analysis, thereby omitting intermediate-body calculations. When False (default), compute each n-body level "
"in the MBE up through ``max_nbody``. When True (only allowed for ``max_nbody = nfragments``), only compute "
"enough for the overall interaction/total energy: max_nbody-body and 1-body. When True, properties "
"``INTERACTION {driver} THROUGH {max_nbody}-BODY`` will always be available; ``TOTAL {driver} THROUGH "
"{max_nbody}-BODY`` will be available depending on ``return_total_data``; and ``{max_nbody}-BODY "
"CONTRIBUTION TO {driver}`` won't be available (except for dimers). This keyword produces no savings for a "
"two-fragment molecule. But for the interaction energy of a three-fragment molecule, for example, 2-body "
"subsystems can be skipped with ``supersystem_ie_only=True`` Do not use with ``vmfc`` in ``bsse_type``"
"as it cannot produce savings."

# v2: @field_validator("bsse_type", mode="before")
@validator("bsse_type", pre=True)
def set_bsse_type(cls, v: Any) -> List[BsseEnum]:
if not isinstance(v, list):
v = [v]
# emulate ordered set
# * bt.lower() as return (w/i `list(dict.fromkeys([bt.lower() ...`)
# works until aliases added to BsseEnum
# * BsseEnum[bt].value as return works for good vals, but passing bad
# vals through as bt lets pydantic raise a clearer error message
return list(dict.fromkeys([(BsseEnum[bt.lower()].value if bt.lower() in BsseEnum.__members__ else bt.lower()) for bt in v]))

class ManyBodySpecification(ProtoModel):
"""Combining the what (ManyBodyKeywords) with the how (AtomicSpecification)."""

schema_name: Literal["qcschema_manybodyspecification"] = "qcschema_manybodyspecification"
#provenance: Provenance = Field(Provenance(**provenance_stamp(__name__)), description=Provenance.__doc__)
keywords: ManyBodyKeywords = Field(..., description=ManyBodyKeywords.__doc__)
#program: str = Field(..., description="The program for which the Specification is intended.")
driver: DriverEnum = Field(
description="The computation driver; i.e., energy, gradient, hessian.",
#specification: Union[AtomicSpecification, Dict[str, AtomicSpecification]] = Field(
specification: Dict[str, AtomicSpecification] = Field(
description="??? TODO expand to cbs, fd",

# v2: @field_validator("specification", mode="before")
@validator("specification", pre=True)
def set_specification(cls, v: Any) -> Dict[str, AtomicSpecification]:
#print(f"hit atomicspecification validator with {type(v)=} {v}", end="")
# v could be model instance or dict
if isinstance(v, AtomicSpecification) or "model" in v:
v = {"(auto)": v}
#print(f" ... setting v={v}")
return v

class ManyBodyInput(ProtoModel):
"""Combining the what and how (ManyBodySpecification) with the who (Molecule)."""

schema_name: Literal["qcschema_manybodyinput"] = "qcschema_manybodyinput"
#provenance: Provenance = Field(Provenance(**provenance_stamp(__name__)), description=Provenance.__doc__)
specification: ManyBodySpecification = Field(
molecule: Molecule = Field(
description="Target molecule for many-body expansion (MBE) or interaction energy (IE) analysis.",

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