- Working on Requests
- Fast Telethon
- Many Cloud Services such as Gofile.io, File.io
- Heroku Deployment
- Simple UI
- Many More...
Click below button to deploy heroku and fill requred vars. Nothing else.
- APP_ID: Get it from my.telegram.org.
- API_HASH: Get it from my.telegram.org.
- BOT_TOKEN: Go to @BotFather and Create new bot. Insert that bot's bot token.
- LOG_CHANNEL: A channel ID to log all user activities.
- Lucifeermorningstar for Telethon Bot Base. (A Daisy Owner)
- Amarnath C for Force Sub and Many More.. (A Daisy Dev)
- LonamiWebs for Telethon.
- Me for this Project 🤪