This repository contains Ansible scripts for setting up CiCd and management of infra deployed through the following repos :
- Infra provisioned through IAC: Deployed infrastructure using terraform multi cloud iac (as it contains a module to automatically update inventory for ansible scripts given that ansible repo and terraform repo are in the same directories).
- Software Requirements: Ensure Ansible cli is installed.
Clone the repository to your machine:
git clone
cd ansible-controller-setup
ansible-playbook acceptfingerprint.yml -i inventory --forks 1 #use this to add server to knownhosts
ansible-playbook setupiptablerules.yml -i inventory #ansible scripts sometimes get disconnected from oracle servers without this , though flushing rules like this not recommended
ansible-playbook installjenkins.yml -i inventory
ansible-playbook installargocd.yml -i inventory
ansible-playbook installcertificate.yml -i inventory #requires ssl folder to be present for more information refer to terraform repo
ansible-playbook registercluster.yml -i inventory -e "control_node=oraclemaster" -e "clustername=oraclecluster"
ansible-playbook updateroutes.yml -i inventory -e "control_node=oraclemaster" #istio mesh virtual service routes
ansible-playbook updatesecrets.yml -i inventory -e "control_node=oraclemaster" #k8s secrets
ansible-playbook enablemonitoring.yml -i inventory -e "control_node=oraclemaster"
update secrets and routes in copy yaml task and then apply to update existing values.
- MariaDB Cluster Setup: For setting up a MariaDB cluster with Kubernetes-based failover, visit ansible-galeracluster-deployment
- To get argo cd initial password run this command :
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo