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3DAdapt AWS Deployment

This repo is for notes, scripts, and packages for installing 3DAdapt on AWS. This primarily utilizes EC2 and S3 services.

AWS Components and Costs

A basic AWS deployment requires the following (all prices assume US East (N. Virginia) region as of August 2023):

  • EC2 instance: t4g.small (2 CPUs, 2 GB RAM) is probably sufficient for an initial deployment or if the Celery server is on a separate, larger, machine (the background tasks are much more intensive than the web server itself)
    • Estimated cost: $12.27/month (it may be able to test on the free tier t2.micro, but not recommended for production)
      • With a savings plan it could be as low as $5.57/month
    • Since this serves all website and API data, it also costs for the data transfer
      • Estimated cost: $0.18/month (estimating 2 GB/month) (eligible for free tier)
  • EBS storage: at least 5 GB (2 GB for the base OS, 1 GB for the software, 1 GB for nginx, and 1 GB for the background task storage)
    • Estimated cost: $0.40/month (eligible for free tier)
  • S3 buckets: for storing uploaded images and files ~2500 files taking up ~800MB and ~5000 images taking up ~450M (with symlinks) to 900M, 50% of both are likely infrequently access
    • No need for intelligent tiering since only 2GB of data in lots of small objects, any savings produced would be negated by the costs
    • Estimated cost: $0.05/month for storage, $0.92/month for retrieval (50k requests, 10GB data), and $0.04 for initial uploading (eligible for free tier)
    • Adding CloudFront CDN may be able to reduce costs as well and can provide additional features:
      • The retrieval costs would be reduced to $0.90/month so not much different for the assumed values here, but could make a difference in other situations
  • SES email server for outgoing mail (3000/month, 8 KB each)
    • Estimated cost: less than $0.51/month (partially eligible for free tier)
    • Could use an alternative (such as Brevo/Sendinblue) which can be cheaper or free, but may add branding to emails
  • Optional: SES email server for incoming un-subscription requests (100/month, <1 KB each)
    • Estimated cost: less than $0.02/month (partially eligible for free tier)
    • Note: very few regions support SES receiving (i.e. un-subscription requests), there are workarounds for this
    • May need to use SNS and SQS alongside SES, but this is free (as long as there is less than 1 million requests/month)
  • MongoDB-Atlas database server:
    • Signup at
    • The free shared server likely is sufficient, eventually may want serverless though
  • Hosted Zone:
    • Each zone (domain) is $0.50/month plus a small amount based on the number of DNS requests (<$0.10/month)
    • Each domain costs annual registration fees depending on the domain, this value is not included here

Total estimated cost: ~$15/month (dominated by EC2 instance, with savings plan could be less than $10/month)


Make sure all things are set up in the same region (e.g. US East (N. Virginia)).

  • Optional: Hosted Zone Setup:
    • If registering your domain through Amazon, this should be done at the same time as setting up the hosted zone
    • In Route 53, go to hosted zones and create a hosted zone, set up the domain as necessary (will not be able to add the main CNAME until the EC2 instance has an IP though)
    • Advantages of Route 53:
      • Easier SES verification
      • Easier automatic SSL certificate creation
    • Advantages of Cloudfront:
      • Free (as opposed to $0.50+/month)
      • Free and built in basic caching (instead of using AWS CloudFront)
      • Free basic email forwarding
  • MongoDB Setup:
    • Sign up for the service at
    • Create a database (free tier is sufficient) with a user that has read/write access to the database
    • Add the IP address of the EC2 instance (once you get it) to the IP access list
    • Get the connection string and save it somewhere safe
  • S3 Setup: Create 3 buckets: one for images, one for files, and one for private configuration data
    • For configuration:
      • Use default settings
    • For images and files:
      • Technically, these can be the same bucket, but it is easier to separate them for certain settings
      • Make sure the bucket names do not include . (it prevents HTTPS links from working; in the future, one solution to this is to use CloudFront, but that isn't available in the code yet).
      • Make sure to uncheck all things that may block public access and confirm it is okay
      • Choose ACLs enabled for object ownership, keep bucket owner preferred option
      • Once created:
        • Edit the permissions of each to add the read option to the "Everyone (public access)" ACL group
        • Add a bucket policy with the following (updating the <bucket-name> as appropriate):
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicRead",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket-name>/*"
  • SES Setup:
    • On the SES Dashboard, choose SMTP settings and choose "Create SMTP credentials". Follow the steps to create the SMTP user, make sure to save the username and password for later.
    • On the SES Dashboard, choose Configuration Sets and the Create Set
      • Name: default
      • Recommended to enable Reputation metrics
    • Go to Identities and Create Identity
      • Type: domain, enter your domain, assign the default configuration set
      • Then create and verify it (while you are at it, set up DMARC rules on the domain)
        • If you are using Route 53, the verification process is somewhat automatic, if using another service you will have to create the DNS records manually
    • Create another identity for your personal email (not the domain being set up), this allows sending test emails and getting into production
    • Go to "Get set up" and under "Get production access" it should now have a verified email address and verified sending domain; finish with sending a test email.
    • Return to "Get set up" and request "Production" to move out of the Sandbox
  • IAM Setup:
    • Go to the IAM Dashboard
    • Go to Policies and create a policy named "EC2-access" with the following JSON contents in ec2/ec2-access.json (updating the bucket names and hosted zone id as appropriate)
    • go to Roles and create a new role
      • Trusted entity type: AWS service
      • Choose EC2 service and use case
      • Find and select the EC2-access policy created above
      • Name the role ec2-access
    • You may also want to create a user with this policy as well (for on-premises testing)
      • Under the new user's Security Credentials, create an access key and secret key (you will need to save the access and secret keys somewhere safe)
  • EC2 Setup:
    • Make sure you create and save a key pair when you first launch an instance
    • Compile Necessary Libraries (if not already available)
      • This must be done on a similar node as the one that will be used, but likely a little beefier since it takes a lot of RAM and hard drive space to compile
      • Launch/Create an Instance (Amazon Linux 2023 AMI using ARM, t4g.large, SSH allowed, 10GB EBS storage)
      • Run wget "" && bash
      • Copy the *-linux-gnu.tar.gz files off and store in some accessible location
      • Terminate the machine
    • Gather necessary resources (if not already available)
      • This can be done on any machine (like a local machine)
      • Run wget "" && bash
      • Copy the *.tar.?z files and store in some accessible location
    • Update the file (in this repo it is ec2/ with many values filled out for AWS, but there are are several TODO that you must fill out).
    • Upload the file to the private S3 bucket
    • Launch/Create Instance
      • Select Amazon Linux 2023 AMI using ARM architecture (takes 1.7 GB, 2.4GB once additional packages are installed)
      • Select t4g.small instance type
      • Security group with SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS allowed from anywhere/the internet
      • Create a new EBS volume with at least 5 GB of storage (sometimes it let me create ones this small, other times it insisted on 8 GB)
    • Add the EC2 instance's public IP address to the Atlas Mongodb Network Access List
    • SSH to the EC2 machine and run (update the bucket name first):
      • NOTE: The has many options for adjusting where it fetches data from and how things are set up, review its source first before running it
      • wget "" && bash -c s3://<private S3 bucket name>/


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