@o2xp/react-datatable is a modulable component to render data in a table with some nice features !
See a show case just here.
$ npm i --save @o2xp/react-datatable
In your file :
// ES6
import {Datatable} from "@o2xp/react-datatable";
import React, { Component } from "react";
// Basic Example
let options = {
keyColumn: 'id',
data: {
columns: [
id: "id",
label: "id",
colSize: "80px"
id: "name",
label: "name",
colSize: "150px"
id: "age",
label: "age",
colSize: "50px"
rows: [
id: "50cf",
age: 28,
name: "Kerr Mayo"
id: "209",
age: 34,
name: "Freda Bowman"
id: "2dd81ef",
age: 14,
name: "Becky Lawrence"
class App extends Component {
render() {
return <Datatable options={options} />;
export default App;
Attention : the column id "o2xpActions" is reserved. Using it can result of unexpected behaviours.
To go further check all examples
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
options | object | yes | An object that all the options to render the datatable. See Options Properties. |
actions | function | no | Function that take as parameter {type, payload}, where type is the action performed (save, delete etc..) and payload the data needed to perform the action. See advanced example. |
refreshRows | function | no | Function that return an an array of objects where each object is defined by the columns identifier as key and the value. See advanced example. |
forceRerender | boolean | no | Do you want to rerender the component on route change or keep the state ? |
stripped | boolean | no | Do you want stripped rows ? |
CustomTableBodyRow | function | no | Function that take { row, columnsOrder, rowIndex, columnSizeMultiplier, height } and return a react html element. See body row example. |
CustomTableBodyCell | function | no | Function that take { cellVal, column, rowId } and return a react html element. See body cell example. |
CustomTableHeaderRow | function | no | Function that take { columnsOrder, columnSizeMultiplier } and return a react html element. See header row example. |
CustomTableHeaderCell | function | no | Function that take { column } and return a react html element. See header cell example. |
customDataTypes | array | no | object that return an array of object with datatypes and react html element. See datatypes cell example. |
text | object | no | An object with text to override. See text override. |
Property | Type | Required? | Default | Description |
title | string | no | " " | Title of the datatable. |
text | object | no | Un object with key taking a string as value. Click here to have more information. | |
dimensions .datatable .width | string | no | "100vw" | Width of the the Datatable. (in vw / px / %) |
dimensions .datatable .height | string | no | "300px" | Height of the Datatable. (in vh / px / %) |
dimensions .row .height | string | no | "48px" | Height of each row of the Datatable. (in px) Minimum 48px. |
keyColumn | string | yes | / | Name of the column that has unique value and allows to identify a row. |
font | string | no | "Roboto" | Name of the font you are using. It allows the datatable to calculate the overlapping of cells. |
data .columns | array of object | yes | / | An array of objects where each object is defined by this keys. Click here to have more information. |
data .rows | array of object | yes | / | An array of objects where each object is defined by the columns identifier as key and the value. Click here to have more information. |
features .canEdit | boolean | no | false | If the user can edit the rows. |
features .canEditRow | (row) => boolean | no | () => true | Giving row as parameter and expecting a boolean as result. Do determine if a row is editable or not. |
features .canGlobalEdit | boolean | no | false | If the user can turn in edit mode all the rows. |
features .canPrint | boolean | no | false | If you want stripped rows. |
features .canDownload | boolean | no | false | If the user can download the data. |
features .canSearch | boolean | no | false | If the user can filter the data by text through a search input. |
features .canRefreshRows | boolean | no | false | If the user can click to refresh the rows. |
features .canOrderColumns | boolean | false | no | If the user can select the columns to display. |
features .canSelectRow | boolean | false | no | If the user can select rows. |
features .canDuplicate | boolean | false | no | If the user can duplicate row. |
features .isUpdatingRows | boolean | false | no | If you are updating rows on your side. |
features .canSaveUserConfiguration | boolean | no | false | If the user can save his columns configuration. (order and which one is displayed) |
features .userConfiguration .columnsOrder | array of strings | no | [ ] | An array of strings where the strings are the column identifier. Datatable will be rendered only with the columns present in the array. |
features .userConfiguration .copyToClipboard | boolean | no | false | If true, when the user click on cell it will copy the value in the clipboard. |
features .rowsPerPage .available | array of number and string | no | [10, 25, 50, 100, "All"] | An array with the numbers of rows per page you want available. |
features .rowsPerPage .selected | number or string | no | "All" | The number of rows per page selected by default. |
features .additionalActions | array of object | no | [ ] | If you want to add actions icon which trigger a function on a row. Click here to have more information. |
features .additionalIcons | array of object | no | [ ] | If you want to add icon which trigger a function. Click here to have more information. |
features .selection .selectionIcons | array of object | no | [ ] | If you want to add icon which execute a function with the rows selected. Click here to have more information. |
text is an object construct with these keys :
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
noRow | string | no | Text when there is no row. |
Columns is an array of object construct with these keys :
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
id | string | yes | Id of the column (need to be unique). |
label | string | yes | Label of the column. |
colSize | number | yes | Size of the column (needs to be in px). |
editable | boolean | no | If the each value of row corresponding to the column is editable or not. |
dataType | string | no | Possible values: "number", "text", "boolean", "date", "time", "dateTime". For more type, see override section. |
inputType | string | no | Possible values: "input", "boolean", "select", "datePicker", "timePicker", "dateTimePicker" |
dateFormat | string | yes (only if datatype === "date" || "time" || "dateTime") | Format of the date. |
values | array | yes (only if inputType === "select") | Possible values displayed in the select. |
valueVerification | function | no | If you want to verify value on save. You need to provide a function which take a parameter (the new value) and return and object in this format {error: boolean, message: string} |
mask | array of regex | no | Works only with inputType === input. To build regex see react-text-mask |
Rows is an array of object where each object is defined by the columns identifier as key and the value. You can add this key for edit purpose :
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
editableId | Array | no | Id of the columns where fields should be editable. |
Additional actions is an array of object construct with these keys :
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
title | string | yes | Description of the button. The text will be displayed on hovering the icon |
icon | Component | yes | Use @material-ui/icons to provide an icon to display. |
onClick | function | yes | A function that take a row as parameter. The function will be triggered on click. |
Additional icons is an array of object construct with these keys :
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
title | string | yes | Description of the button. The text will be displayed on hovering the icon |
icon | Component | yes | Use @material-ui/icons to provide an icon to display. |
onClick | function | yes | A function that doesn't take parameter. The function will be triggered on click. |
Additional selection icons is an array of object construct with these keys :
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
title | string | yes | Description of the button. The text will be displayed on hovering the icon |
icon | Component | yes | Use @material-ui/icons to provide an icon to display. |
onClick | function | yes | A function that takes a parameter (the selected rows). . The function will be triggered on click. |
Property | Type | Required? | Default value |
noRow | string | no | "There is no data yet, try to refresh" |
search | string | no | "Toggle" |
searchPlaceholder | string | no | "Search.." |
edit | string | no | "Edit" |
clear | string | no | "Clear" |
save | string | no | "Save" |
delete | string | no | "Delete" |
confirmDelete | string | no | "Confirm delete" |
cancelDelete | string | no | "Cancel delete" |
download | string | no | "Download data" |
downloadTitle | string | no | "Download Data" |
downloadDescription | string | no | "Data will be exported in" |
downloadSelectedRows | string | no | "Selected rows" |
downloadCurrentRows | string | no | "Rows of current page" |
downloadAllRows | string | no | "All rows" |
display | string | no | "Display columns" |
refresh | string | no | "Refresh" |
configuration | string | no | "Configuration" |
configurationTitle | string | no | "User Configuration" |
configurationCopy | string | no | "Save cell's content to clipboard on click" |
configurationColumn | string | no | "Do you want to save the configuration of the columns and copy to clipboard feature ?" |
configurationReset | string | no | "Reset" |
configurationSave | string | no | "Save" |
create | string | no | "Create" |
createTitle | string | no | "Create a new row" |
createCancel | string | no | "Cancel" |
createSubmit | string | no | "Create" |
duplicate | string | no | "Duplicate" |
string | no | "Print" | |
orderBy | string | no | "Order by" |
drag | string | no | "Drag" |
paginationRows | string | no | "Rows" |
paginationPage | string | no | "Page" |
Because we want flexibility for our users we decide to leave a lot of possibility to users. So what can you override ?
- datatypes - documentation
- body row - documentation
- body cell - documentation
- header row - documentation
- header cell - documentation
Do you want to contribute to this project ? Great ! You can start by reading our contributing guide.
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Redux - Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Material-ui - React components that implement Google's Material Design
- Webpack - A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets.
- Babel - Babel is a tool that helps you write code in the latest version of JavaScript. When your supported environments don't support certain features natively, Babel will help you compile those features down to a supported version.
- Storybook - Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, and Angular. It makes building stunning UIs organized and efficient.
- Eslint - ESLint is an open source project originally created by Nicholas C. Zakas in June 2013. Its goal is to provide a pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
- Jest - Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
- Enzyme - Enzyme is a JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to test your React Components' output. You can also manipulate, traverse, and in some ways simulate runtime given the output.
- Prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- Husky - Husky can prevent bad
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