Tongji Univ. SSE IOS Application Development coursework (final project) : An Demo based on American Sign Language Classfier
- Environment: macOS Monterey 12.1
- Dev tool: Xcode 13, Xcode 13 Simulator , CreateML, Netron
- Language: Swift
- Interface: SwiftUI
- Third-party service: This application uses extentional package ACarousel (github url: ) to present carousel view
- requirements: IOS 12.0+ (for use) ; macOS 10.14+ (for source code debug)
The dataset link:
The final version of mlmodel originates from the latest techniques from WWDC 2021 ( Previous version includes using CreateML Image Classifier model, and an transformed mlmodel from Pytorch model (using coremltools) , which gave disappointing performance on real-time debugging.
A diagram of the model structure can be seen in Snapshots.