ExtIO_RTL 2023.2 build
New custom build ExtIO_RTL for HDSDR
Based on experimental rtl-sdr library Mr-Precise/rtl-sdr
(On R820T2 allows you to tunes down to 13 mhz or lower)
Compiled manually on Visual Studio 2019 + Visual Studio 2010 and custom MinGW
statically linked libusb 1.0.27
- ExtIO_RTL-2023.2-libusb-static-MinGW-Win32.zip - for Windows 7+, full static library, mingw build
- ExtIO_RTL-2023.2-Release-msvc141_xp-Win32.zip - for Windows 7+, libusb static, rtlsdr shared (included). msvc141
- ExtIO_RTL-2023.2.1-msvc100-WinXP32.zip - for old Windows 2003/XP, libusb static, rtlsdr shared (included). msvc100