Arduino 74hc595 Shift Register | 16 Led Chaser With 18 Effects Hello again,
I am thinking about how to control more than 20 led with Arduino Uno because Arduino Uno only has 13 digital pins. So how It's possible? That's why I came with the shift register 74hc595. We need only 3 Arduino digital pins to control LEDs using 74hc595 shift registers. There are 3 part of shift register tutorial.
Control 8 leds.Control leds brightness.Control 2 shiftRegister with led effects. I will explain coding too.
Let Gathering the Component to Build the Arduino 74hc595 Led Chaser.
- Arduino Uno to the control shift register.
- Two shift registers 74hc595 for controlling the LEDs.
- 16 LEDs as an output.
- 16 resistors to protect the LEDs.
- Breadboards to build the circuit on it.
- Jumper wires for connection.