This app simulates coding and decoding of messages with an Enigma machine in Python/Django.
Two URLS are available in this version: one to encode messages and one to decode messages.
To encode messages, go to
In future versions, this may be improved to include a POST message and a nice form, as that seems a more natural fit, but as a proof of concept this is ok for now.
An example would be:
This will result in a page displaying a message consisting of the following parts (without brakcets):
- AAA is the indicator key, encrypted using the day indicator and rotor settings.
- BBB is the message key, encrypted using the indicator key and the rotor
settings of the day. - MESSAGE is the message, encrypted using the message key and rotor settings of the day.
To decode a message, go to:
This will decrypt the message using the date settings for that day and the indicator and message indicators that were included the message. This message thus needs to include the [AAA] and [BBB] parts.