Note: Please refer to the files in this repository to find all of the data/code/graphs/tables found in this report and much more.
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Bellabeat is a high-tech company that manufactures health-focused products primarily for women. The company makes products and applications that help monitor their health and wellness such as activity, stress levels, sleep and other mindful habits. Bellabeat is a successful small company that is looking forward to expand their capabilities and improve their products to hopefully become a competitive large player in the global smart device market. Urška Sršen, cofounder and Chief Creative Officer of Bellabeat, is determined to unlock new growth oppurtunities and believes that can be done by analyzing data from smart device fitness gadgets.
The Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Bellabeat, Urška, wants to develop effective marketing strategies to help unlock new growth oppurtunities for the company. She believes this can be done by analyzing consumer data on smart device usage and gaining insights.
The Business Task:
- To analyze data to gain insights on how consumers use smart devices.
- Use the discovered insights to help guide marketing strategies for the company.
For this project, I've used the 18 datasets dated from 03/12/2016 - 05/12/2016 provided on kaggle. Click on this FitBit Fitness Tracker Data (CC0: Public Domain, dataset made available through Mobius) to access the website and download the datasets provided as .csv files. This data set contains personal fitness data from 30 fitbit users on minute-level output for physical activity, heart rate, and sleep monitoring. It also includes information on daily activity, steps, and heart rate that can be used to explore users’ habits. Thirty Fitbit users consented to the submission of personal tracker data and the data provided in this website is made available to access to the public.
Or you could access and download the data from this repository named as "Raw Data".
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio in this part of the project to help process and analyze the datasets.
First make sure to import all of the dataset as a .csv file to the database server. In order to solve this business task, only 6 of the given 18 datasets was used. Many of the files are either redundant, is not essential, or relevant, or lacking sufficient data to perform an analysis upon.
Here, I will be transforming and organizing data by adding new columns, extracting information and removing bad data and duplicates.
In order to get accurate analysis, validate and make sure the dataset does not include any bias, incorrect data, and duplicates.
--Checking Number of Rows on dailyActivities
Select Count(*)
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
--Checking for duplicates in dailyActivity dataset
Select Id, ActivityDate, TotalSteps, Count(*)
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
group by id, ActivityDate, TotalSteps
Having Count(*) > 1
--Modify date format for better understaning in sleepDay
Update sleepDay_merged
Set SleepDay = Convert(date, SleepDay, 101)
--Modify date format for better understaning in dailyActivity
Update dailyActivity_merged
Set ActivityDate = Convert(date, ActivityDate, 101)
--Add day_0f_week column on dailyActivities
Alter Table [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
ADD day_of_week nvarchar(50)
--Extract datename from ActivityDate
Update dailyActivity_merged
SET day_of_week = DATENAME(DW, ActivityDate)
--Add sleep data columns on dailyActivity table
Alter Table [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
ADD total_mins_sleep int,
total_mins_bed int
--Add sleep records into dailyActivity table
UPDATE dailyActivity_merged
Set total_mins_sleep = t2.TotalMinutesAsleep,
total_mins_bed = t2.TotalTimeInBed
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged] as t1
Full Outer Join sleepDay_merged as t2
on = and t1.ActivityDate = t2.SleepDay
--Adding specific date format to [dailyActivity_merged] table
Alter table dailyActivity_merged
Add Date_d date
Update dailyActivity_merged
Set Date_d = CONVERT( date, ActivityDate, 103 )
--Split date and time seperately for [hourlyCalories_merged] table
Alter Table [dbo].[hourlyCalories_merged]
ADD time_h int
Update [dbo].[hourlyCalories_merged]
Set time_h = DATEPART(hh, Date_d)
Update [dbo].[hourlyCalories_merged]
Set Date_d = SUBSTRING(Date_d, 1, 9)
--Split date and time seperately for [hourlyIntensities_merged]
Alter Table [dbo].[hourlyIntensities_merged]
ADD time_h int
Update [dbo].[hourlyIntensities_merged]
Set time_h = DATEPART(hh, ActivityHour)
Update [dbo].[hourlyIntensities_merged]
Set ActivityHour = SUBSTRING(ActivityHour, 1, 9)
--Split date and time seperately for [hourlySteps_merged]
Alter Table [dbo].[hourlySteps_merged]
ADD time_h int
Update [dbo].[hourlySteps_merged]
Set time_h = DATEPART(hh, Date_d)
Update [dbo].[hourlySteps_merged]
Set Date_d = SUBSTRING(Date_d, 1, 9)
--Split date and time seperately for [minuteMETsNarrow_merged]
Alter Table [dbo].[minuteMETsNarrow_merged]
ADD time_t time
Update [dbo].[minuteMETsNarrow_merged]
Set time_t = CAST(Date_d as time)
Update [dbo].[minuteMETsNarrow_merged]
Set time_t = Convert(varchar(5), time_t, 108)
Update [dbo].[minuteMETsNarrow_merged]
Set Date_d = SUBSTRING(Date_d, 1, 9)
--Create new table to merge hourlyCalories, hourlyIntensities, and hourlySteps
Create table hourly_cal_int_step_merge(
Id numeric(18,0),
Date_d nvarchar(50),
time_h int,
Calories numeric(18,0),
TotalIntensity numeric(18,0),
AverageIntensity float,
StepTotal numeric (18,0)
--Insert corresponsing data and merge multiple table into one table
Insert Into hourly_cal_int_step_merge (Id, Date_d, time_h, Calories, TotalIntensity, AverageIntensity, StepTotal)
(Select t1.Id, t1.Date_d, t1.time_h, t1.Calories, t2.TotalIntensity, t2.AverageIntensity, t3.StepTotal
From [dbo].[hourlyCalories_merged] as t1
Inner Join [dbo].[hourlyIntensities_merged] as t2
ON t1.Id = t2.Id and t1.Date_d = t2.ActivityHour and t1.time_h = t2.time_h
Inner Join [dbo].[hourlySteps_merged] as t3
ON t1.Id = t3.Id and t1.Date_d = t3.Date_d and t1.time_h = t3.time_h)
--Checking for duplicates
/*Select Id, time_h, Calories, TotalIntensity, AverageIntensity, StepTotal, Count(*) as duplicates
From [dbo].[hourly_cal_int_step_merge]
Group by Id, time_h, Calories, TotalIntensity, AverageIntensity, StepTotal
Having Count(*) > 1*/
--Checking for duplicates
/*Select sum(duplicates) as sum_s
from (Select Id, Date_d time_h, Calories, TotalIntensity, AverageIntensity, StepTotal, Count(*) as duplicates
From [dbo].[hourly_cal_int_step_merge]
Group by Id, Date_d, time_h, Calories, TotalIntensity, AverageIntensity, StepTotal
Having Count(*) > 1
Order by duplicates DESC) as cte*/
--Query in hh:mm time format for better understanding on MET Table
select Id, Cast(Date_d as date) as date_d, METs, Convert(varchar(5), time_t, 108) as time_t
From [dbo].[minuteMETsNarrow_merged]
--Change date type nvarchar to date on MET table to join properly with other table
Alter table minuteMETsNarrow_merged
Add dates_d date
Update minuteMETsNarrow_merged
Set dates_d = Cast(Date_d as date)
Here, I will be analysing the consumer data to discover trends and patterns.
--Calculate average met per day per user, and compare with the calories burned
Select Distinct t1.Id, t1.dates_d, sum(t1.METs) as sum_mets, t2.Calories
From [dbo].[minuteMETsNarrow_merged] as t1
inner join dailyActivity_merged as t2
on t1.Id = t2.Id and t1.dates_d = t2.Date_d
Group By t1.Id, t1.dates_d, t2.Calories
Order by dates_d
Result: Data contains 934 rows, this table limits to view the top 50 rows
Id | dates_d | sum_METs | Calories |
1503960366 | 12-04-2016 | 25241 | 1985 |
1624580081 | 12-04-2016 | 17234 | 1432 |
1644430081 | 12-04-2016 | 22768 | 3199 |
1844505072 | 12-04-2016 | 21704 | 2030 |
1927972279 | 12-04-2016 | 15599 | 2220 |
2022484408 | 12-04-2016 | 23035 | 2390 |
2026352035 | 12-04-2016 | 18830 | 1459 |
2320127002 | 12-04-2016 | 23090 | 2124 |
2347167796 | 12-04-2016 | 24924 | 2344 |
2873212765 | 12-04-2016 | 22570 | 1982 |
3372868164 | 12-04-2016 | 19118 | 1788 |
3977333714 | 12-04-2016 | 20644 | 1450 |
4020332650 | 12-04-2016 | 26521 | 3654 |
4057192912 | 12-04-2016 | 18434 | 2286 |
4319703577 | 12-04-2016 | 14400 | 2115 |
4388161847 | 12-04-2016 | 14400 | 2955 |
4445114986 | 12-04-2016 | 18392 | 2113 |
4558609924 | 12-04-2016 | 20576 | 1909 |
4702921684 | 12-04-2016 | 21040 | 2947 |
5553957443 | 12-04-2016 | 22118 | 2026 |
5577150313 | 12-04-2016 | 26431 | 3405 |
6117666160 | 12-04-2016 | 14400 | 1496 |
6290855005 | 12-04-2016 | 17890 | 2560 |
6775888955 | 12-04-2016 | 14400 | 1841 |
6962181067 | 12-04-2016 | 22065 | 1994 |
7007744171 | 12-04-2016 | 27171 | 2937 |
7086361926 | 12-04-2016 | 24496 | 2772 |
8053475328 | 12-04-2016 | 26168 | 3186 |
8253242879 | 12-04-2016 | 20620 | 2044 |
8378563200 | 12-04-2016 | 24210 | 3635 |
8583815059 | 12-04-2016 | 18896 | 2650 |
8792009665 | 12-04-2016 | 17433 | 2044 |
8877689391 | 12-04-2016 | 32010 | 3921 |
1503960366 | 13-04-2016 | 22859 | 1797 |
1624580081 | 13-04-2016 | 16990 | 1411 |
1644430081 | 13-04-2016 | 20656 | 2902 |
1844505072 | 13-04-2016 | 19880 | 1860 |
1927972279 | 13-04-2016 | 15014 | 2151 |
2022484408 | 13-04-2016 | 25074 | 2601 |
2026352035 | 13-04-2016 | 19636 | 1521 |
2320127002 | 13-04-2016 | 21782 | 2003 |
2347167796 | 13-04-2016 | 21675 | 2038 |
2873212765 | 13-04-2016 | 22820 | 2004 |
3372868164 | 13-04-2016 | 22380 | 2093 |
3977333714 | 13-04-2016 | 21286 | 1495 |
4020332650 | 13-04-2016 | 14400 | 1981 |
4057192912 | 13-04-2016 | 18566 | 2306 |
4319703577 | 13-04-2016 | 17299 | 2135 |
4388161847 | 13-04-2016 | 19246 | 3092 |
4445114986 | 13-04-2016 | 18230 | 2095 |
--Activities and colories comparison
Select Id,
SUM(TotalSteps) as total_steps,
SUM(VeryActiveMinutes) as total_Vactive_mins,
Sum(FairlyActiveMinutes) as total_Factive_mins,
SUM(LightlyActiveMinutes) as total_Lactive_mins,
SUM(Calories) as total_calories
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
Group By Id
Result: Strong correlation between activity intense time and calories burned
id | total_steps | total_Vactive_m | total_Factive_m | total_Lactive_m | calories |
8583815059 | 223154 | 300 | 688 | 4287 | 84693 |
6117666160 | 197308 | 44 | 57 | 8074 | 63312 |
8053475328 | 457662 | 2640 | 297 | 4680 | 91320 |
4319703577 | 225334 | 111 | 382 | 7092 | 63168 |
4388161847 | 335232 | 718 | 631 | 7110 | 95910 |
6290855005 | 163837 | 80 | 110 | 6596 | 75389 |
2320127002 | 146223 | 42 | 80 | 6144 | 53449 |
1644430081 | 218489 | 287 | 641 | 5354 | 84339 |
2873212765 | 234229 | 437 | 190 | 9548 | 59426 |
1503960366 | 375619 | 1200 | 594 | 6818 | 56309 |
4702921684 | 265734 | 159 | 807 | 7362 | 91932 |
4445114986 | 148693 | 205 | 54 | 6482 | 67772 |
4057192912 | 15352 | 3 | 6 | 412 | 7895 |
1624580081 | 178061 | 269 | 180 | 4758 | 45984 |
8792009665 | 53758 | 28 | 117 | 2662 | 56907 |
2026352035 | 172573 | 3 | 8 | 7956 | 47760 |
3977333714 | 329537 | 567 | 1838 | 5243 | 45410 |
5577150313 | 249133 | 2620 | 895 | 4438 | 100789 |
4558609924 | 238239 | 322 | 425 | 8834 | 63031 |
8378563200 | 270249 | 1819 | 318 | 4839 | 106534 |
1844505072 | 79982 | 4 | 40 | 3579 | 48778 |
7007744171 | 294409 | 807 | 423 | 7299 | 66144 |
8253242879 | 123161 | 390 | 272 | 2221 | 33972 |
2347167796 | 171354 | 243 | 370 | 4545 | 36782 |
4020332650 | 70284 | 161 | 166 | 2385 | 73960 |
6962181067 | 303639 | 707 | 574 | 7620 | 61443 |
6775888955 | 65512 | 286 | 385 | 1044 | 55426 |
5553957443 | 266990 | 726 | 403 | 6392 | 58146 |
1927972279 | 28400 | 41 | 24 | 1196 | 67357 |
7086361926 | 290525 | 1320 | 786 | 4459 | 79557 |
3372868164 | 137233 | 183 | 82 | 6558 | 38662 |
8877689391 | 497241 | 2048 | 308 | 7276 | 106028 |
2022484408 | 352490 | 1125 | 600 | 7981 | 77809 |
--Average Sleep Time per user
Select Id, Avg(TotalMinutesAsleep)/60 as avg_sleep_time_h,
Avg(TotalTimeInBed)/60 as avg_time_bed_h,
AVG(TotalTimeInBed - TotalMinutesAsleep) as wasted_bed_time_m
from sleepDay_merged
Group by Id
Id | avg_sleep_time_h | avg_time_bed_h | wasted_bed_time_m |
1503960366 | 6.004666 | 6.386666 | 22.92 |
1644430081 | 4.9 | 5.766666 | 52 |
1844505072 | 10.866666 | 16.016666 | 309 |
1927972279 | 6.95 | 7.296666 | 20.8 |
2026352035 | 8.436309 | 8.960714 | 31.464285 |
2320127002 | 1.016666 | 1.15 | 8 |
2347167796 | 7.446666 | 8.188888 | 44.533333 |
3977333714 | 4.894047 | 7.685714 | 167.5 |
4020332650 | 5.822916 | 6.329166 | 30.375 |
4319703577 | 7.94423 | 8.366025 | 25.307692 |
4388161847 | 6.71875 | 7.103472 | 23.083333 |
--Sleep and calories comparison
Select t1.Id, SUM(TotalMinutesAsleep) as total_sleep_m,
SUM(TotalTimeInBed) as total_time_inbed_m,
SUM(Calories) as calories
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged] as t1
Inner Join [dbo].[sleepDay_merged] as t2
ON t1.Id = t2.Id and t1.ActivityDate = t2.SleepDay
Group By t1.Id
Id | total_sleep_m | total_time_inbed_m | calories |
1503960366 | 9007 | 9580 | 46807 |
1644430081 | 1176 | 1384 | 11911 |
1844505072 | 1956 | 2883 | 5029 |
1927972279 | 2085 | 2189 | 11581 |
2026352035 | 14173 | 15054 | 43142 |
2320127002 | 61 | 69 | 1804 |
2347167796 | 6702 | 7370 | 29570 |
3977333714 | 8222 | 12912 | 43691 |
4020332650 | 2795 | 3038 | 25560 |
4319703577 | 12393 | 13051 | 52642 |
4388161847 | 9675 | 10229 | 75159 |
4445114986 | 10785 | 11671 | 61128 |
4558609924 | 638 | 700 | 10985 |
4702921684 | 11792 | 12375 | 85211 |
5553957443 | 14368 | 15682 | 58146 |
5577150313 | 11232 | 11976 | 92019 |
6117666160 | 8618 | 9183 | 44295 |
6775888955 | 1049 | 1107 | 7034 |
6962181067 | 13888 | 14450 | 61443 |
7007744171 | 137 | 143 | 4301 |
7086361926 | 10875 | 11194 | 63783 |
8053475328 | 891 | 905 | 9928 |
8378563200 | 14187 | 15466 | 110539 |
8792009665 | 6535 | 6807 | 34490 |
--Daily Sum Analysis - No trends/patterns found
Select SUM(TotalSteps) as total_steps,
SUM(TotalDistance) as total_dist,
SUM(Calories) as total_calories,
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
Group By day_of_week
Result: No trends or patterns found
total_steps | total_dist | total_calories | day_of_week |
1133906 | 763 | 345393 | Wednesday |
1010969 | 676 | 292016 | Saturday |
933704 | 613 | 278905 | Monday |
838921 | 554 | 273823 | Sunday |
938477 | 614 | 293805 | Friday |
1088658 | 718 | 323337 | Thursday |
1235001 | 817 | 358114 | Tuesday |
--Daily Average analysis - No trends/patterns found
Select AVG(TotalSteps) as avg_steps,
AVG(TotalDistance) as avg_dist,
AVG(Calories) as avg_calories,
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
Group By day_of_week
Result: No trends or patterns found
avg_steps | avg_dist | avg_calories | day_of_week |
7559.373333 | 5.086666 | 2302.62 | Wednesday |
8152.975806 | 5.451612 | 2354.967741 | Saturday |
7780.866666 | 5.108333 | 2324.208333 | Monday |
6933.231404 | 4.578512 | 2263 | Sunday |
7448.230158 | 4.873015 | 2331.785714 | Friday |
7405.836734 | 4.884353 | 2199.571428 | Thursday |
8125.006578 | 5.375 | 2356.013157 | Tuesday |
--Time Expenditure per day
Select Distinct Id, SUM(SedentaryMinutes) as sedentary_mins,
SUM(LightlyActiveMinutes) as lightly_mins,
SUM(FairlyActiveMinutes) as fairlyactive_mins,
SUM(VeryActiveMinutes) as veryactive_mins
From [dbo].[dailyActivity_merged]
where total_mins_bed IS NOT NULL
Group by Id
In this phase, we will be visualizing the data analyzed and tables created using Tableau Public.
For the interactive version, Click here
Key Findings:
- The R-Squared value for Low Active graph is 0.0118
- The R-Squared value for Fairly Active graph is 0.0391
- The R-Squared value for Very Active graph is 0.3865
There is a strong correlation between Very Active minutes and the amount of calories burned. The r-squared value seems to rise as the intensity and the duration is the activity increases.
Thus by inferring to the r-squared values of the respective trend lines of the graphs, we can conclude that the higher the intensity and the duration of the activity, the more calories is burned.
A brief overview on METs:
Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) is the ratio of your working metabolic rate relative to your resting metobolic rate. It is a way to describe the intensity of an activity or workout. METs provide a simple and practical way to easily understand the body's energy expenditure with metabolic equivalents.
One MET is defined as resting metabolic rate, it is approximately 3.5 milliliters of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body weight per minute. One MET is the energy a person spends while resting or sitting idle.
So an MET of 4 means a person is spending 4 times the energy they are when sitting idle. The METs for each person is not constant and can have slight variations depending on their weight, age or other physical parameters.
To calculate the amount of calories burned per minute, we can use the formula:
Calories burned per minute = (METs x 3.5 x (your body weight in Kg)) / 200
To better understand METs more, the approximate METs values while performing certain excersices are depicted below:
Light < 3.0 METs | Moderate 3.0–6.0 METs | Vigorous > 6.0 METs |
Sitting at a desk: 1.3 | Housework (cleaning, sweeping): 3.5 | Walking at very brisk pace (4.5 mph): 6.3 |
Sitting, playing cards: 1.5 | Weight training (lighter weights): 3.5 | Bicycling 12–14 mph (flat terrain): 8 |
Standing at a desk: 1.8 | Golf (walking, pulling clubs): 4.3 | Circuit training (minimal rest): 8 |
Strolling at a slow pace: 2.0 | Brisk walking (3.5–4 mph): 5 | Singles tennis: 8 |
Washing dishes: 2.2 | Weight training (heavier weights): 5 | Shoveling, digging ditches: 8.5 |
Hatha yoga: 2.5 | Yard work (mowing, moderate effort): 5 | Competitive soccer: 10 |
Fishing (sitting): 2.5 | Swimming laps (leisurely pace): 6 | Running (7 mph): 11.5 |
Key Findings:
- The R-Squared value is 0.5504
- Strong positive corellation between METs and average calories burned.
The amount of calories burned for every user is highly dependent on their MET values they spend every day. This can be seen by the high r-squared value suggesting that the trend line has strong relation with the data points.
**Sleep and Calories Comparison **
Key Findings:
- The R-Squared value is 0.8727
- Strong positive corellation between amount of sleep and calories burned.
Higher duration of sleep is associated with higher amount of calories burned. An adequate duration and good quality of sleep constitutes to higher calories burned during the sleeping process.
However sleeping more than the required range doesn't seem to burn more calories and in fact causes the opposite to occur, which is burn fewer calories.
Popular Time for Activities
From the graph above, we can infer that the most popular time people are active throughout the day is between 5:00 AM - 9:00PM
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After performing the collection, transformation, cleaning, organisation and analysis of the given datasets, we have enough factual evidence to suggest answers to the business-related questions that were asked.
We can infer that the duration and the level of intensity of the activities performed are greatly in dependence to the amount of calories burned. METs provide a great insight on the intensity of activities performed and the amount of calories burned per minute. While most of the consumers attain adequate amounts of sleep, it is noticed that a small fraction of the users either oversleep or undersleep. Consumers are also more likely to perform low-high intensity activities in the range of 5:00 AM - 9:00PM throughout the day.
In order to design new marketing strategies to better focus on unlocking new growth oppurtunities and develop the business, we have to refer to the analysis provided above and keep those facts in mind. The recommendations I would provide to help solve this business-related scenario is shown below.
- Highlight the MET tracking feature on the smart devices as a marketing strategy and create awareness on MET values. For it allows users to track their level of intensity of activities and provide a real time insight on how much calories they burn every minute.
- Consumers seem to spend most of their time inactive and live a sedentary lifestyle. Notifying users through smart device notifications during the most popular time for performing activities which is between 5:00 AM - 9:00PM can remind people to exercise and live a more active lifestyle.
- Provide app notification for users to remind them to get sufficient sleep every day and implement new sleep measurement features or products such as tracking Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep.
- Consider setting daily/weekly calorie challenges and award points to users based on the top performers. Where the points can be accumulated and redeemed as a discount for their next product purchase.