This repository contains code for the implementation of a dashboard which imparts critical information quickly to users about the COVID-19 procress. Numbers are shown via a chart with multipe scales, a drop down menu to choose which data to be shown on the chart, a slider to better choose the window of time desired to observe, and a map to show countries infected across the globe.
Install the dependencies.
To install the dependencies, run
npm install
. Make sure npm is installed.# install the dependencies using yarn npm install
Run in development mode.
Once all the dependencies have been installed, run
yarn start
oryarn develop
to run the site in development mode.# or `npm develop` npm start
Begin development.
If run properly,
yarn start
should output a local development server athttp://localhost:3000
(or some other port if3000
is not available). The site can be viewed on a browser at this address.
The project utilizes ReactJS Framework written in JavaScript and has Material UI, and Evergreen UI libraries for UI components.
├── node_modules/
├── public
├── src/
├── .gitignore
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
: The directory where all of the modules of code that the project depends on (npm packages) are automatically installed. -
: The directory where it contains the HTML file so we can tweak it, however we won't, also holds the csv, json, and zip files. -
: This directory will contain all of the code related to what's seen on the front-end of the site (what's seen in the browser). The main 'components' folder which contains the component files(Chart, RadioButtons, Slider, DropDownMenu, Map..etc ), the App.js file which is the parent component, the index.js file which is the first component to get called...etc. -
: This file tells git which files it should not track / not maintain a version history for. -
: package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json . It describes the exact tree that was generated, such that subsequent installs are able to generate identical trees, regardless of intermediate dependency updates. -
: A manifest file for Node.js projects, which includes things like metadata (the project’s name, author, etc). This manifest is how npm knows which packages to install for the project. -
: This file, which containt useful reference information about the project and some documentation about its purpose.
This section further talks about the components in bullet points for a better and quicker experience.
- from --> library
- usage --> why is it used
- input --> which component does it take input from
- output --> what kind of output does it give out to other components
- related-functions --> functions with which a component interact
Chart: from: @nivo usage: shows data in an elegant and intuitive way input: data from App component output: none internally
related-functions: none
RadioButtons: from: @material-ui/core usage: to alternate between scales (Normal, Logarthmic, Dy/Dx) input: none internally output: tells App component which button is clicked
- handleRadioSelected: handles radio input and set states, and filters the chart data accordingly. Also resets slider value
Slider: from: @material-ui/core usage: controls the start date of data passed to the Chart input: none internally output: tells App component its position (value)
- onSliderChange: handles Silder value change, filters data passed to chart accordingly
DropDownMenu from: evergreen-ui usage: to show different locations that can be chosen to reveal their data accordingly input: data of countries to show from App Component output: tells App component which country is chosen
- onCountrySelect: handles DropDownMenu value change, filters data passed to chart accordingly
Map: from: React-map-gl usage: to show infected locations around the globe and number of cases per location in clusters input: data from App of infected locations output: none internally
related-functions: none
maxSliderCounter: counts the maximum value of the Slider based on the data extracted from csv file
filterWorldData: filters the WORLD record from the csv file when the application first mount
TurnCSVintoSmthUseful: gets called when the App component first mounts, turns csv file into JSON format to be further used in the application. Also sets the states 'rawData, BaseChartData, and FilteredChartData' to be used afterwards by the components
4.JsonFormatter: converts the basic JSON extracted from the csv file to the format needed to be used by the Chart down the line. Represents Raw Data without any operations.
JsonlogFormatter: likewise, converts the basic JSON to the format needed, however this time the values are on the log scale, as the chart doesn't provide it.
JsondydxFormatter: likewise, converts the basic JSON to the format needed, however this time the values are equal to Value(t-1) - Value(t), as the chart doesn't provide it.
filterUniqueItems: filters the unique values of the countries in the csv file to provide unique data to the DropDownMenu
sum: a basic function to sum values across array of objects, to be consumed by sumOfCasesValues
sumOfCasesValues: returns an array of objects with the same format, but instead of the data array of objects, it returns CasesSum field with the sum of all the values across the objects
formMapData: as the Map library requires an object with specific structure to be further consumed by the component, this function transformes the output of sumOfCasesValues to the object format needed.