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first mezzanine board interface
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carrarin@FNAL.GOV authored and carrarin@FNAL.GOV on committed Jul 2, 2024
1 parent f88ba39 commit 434b17b
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Showing 4 changed files with 372 additions and 5 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions build-linux-almalinux9-x86_64_v3-mfjrdk4
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions otsdaq-mu2e-calorimeter/FEInterfaces/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@



cet_build_plugin(ROCCalorimeterInterface otsdaq::FEInterface LIBRARIES REG otsdaq_mu2e::ROCPolarFireCoreInterface
cet_make_library(LIBRARY_NAME FEInterfaces SOURCE MZB.C)

cet_build_plugin(ROCCalorimeterInterface otsdaq::FEInterface LIBRARIES REG otsdaq_mu2e::ROCPolarFireCoreInterface otsdaq_mu2e_calorimeter::FEInterfaces)

Expand Down
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions otsdaq-mu2e-calorimeter/FEInterfaces/MZB.C
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@

#define GNU_COMP
#include "otsdaq-mu2e-calorimeter/FEInterfaces/MZB.h"

uint8_t* MZB_Encode_CMD_Command_raw(MZB_OSCMDCODE_t cmdCode, float* params) {

int i;

// Create structure and fill only to ease the checksum calculation

#ifdef GNU_COMP
static struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ems {
__packed __align(4) struct ems {
short dummy;
short adr;

#ifdef GNU_COMP
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
__packed struct {
unsigned short functionReq_tag; // 'CD'
unsigned short functionReq;
float P[CT_MAXP];

#ifdef GNU_COMP
// } __attribute__((packed, aligned(4)))
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
unsigned chksum;
#ifdef GNU_COMP
// } __attribute__((packed, aligned(4)))
} __attribute__ ((aligned (4)))

// *** Fill the structure ***

em.adr = offsetof(EE_DATABUF_t, functionReq_tag);

// Structure id for the extended command request ('CD')
em.cmdReq.functionReq_tag = 'C' | ('D' << 8);

// Command request (enumerated)
em.cmdReq.functionReq = cmdCode | 0x8000;

// 9 parameters (float)
for (i = 0; i < CT_MAXP; i++) {
em.cmdReq.P[i] = params[i];

// Checksum
em.chksum = 1 + (~ees_chksum((void *)&em.cmdReq, sizeof(em.cmdReq)));

// Print for debug
int debug = 0;
if (debug){
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)&em.adr;
for(size_t i=0; i < (sizeof(em) - offsetof(struct ems, adr)); i+=8){
for(int j=0; j<8; j++){
printf("%02x ", *p++);

return (uint8_t*)&em.adr;


unsigned ees_chksum(void *ptr, int len) {
unsigned *src = (unsigned*)ptr;
unsigned sum;
unsigned tmp;

for(sum=0; len>=4; len-=4)
sum += *src++;

if (len) {
tmp = 0;
memcpy(&tmp, src, len);
sum += tmp;

return sum;

267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions otsdaq-mu2e-calorimeter/FEInterfaces/MZB.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@

#ifndef _MZB_H_
#define _MZB_H_

#define GNU_COMP

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define CT_MAJOR 2 /* MU2E-SPI major release version */
#define CT_MINOR 2 /* MU2E-SPI minor release version */
#define APP_MSG_BUFLEN 128
#define CT_MAXP 9 /* Number of allowed parameters */

#define MCADC_MAX_CHANNELS (8) /* Maximum number of channels for multichannel ADC */

#define FEE_NUM ( 20)
#define FEE_ADC_CHANNELS ( 8)
#define MZB_LADC_CHANNELS ( 5)

#define MU2E_HV_MAX_V (250)

#define APP_MAGICID (0x135BU)

// Console assigned to UART0
#define CONSOLE_baudrate 115200
#define CONSOLE_IRQHandler UART0_IRQHandler

#define MU2E_FIRMWARE_DESC "(C) ENEA-INFN 2012-2024 - MU2E-ADC board (SiPM SPI version)"

#ifdef GNU_COMP
typedef enum {
typedef enum MZB_OSCMDCODE_t {
ADCONVERT, // AD128S start conversion
ADCFG, // Configure ADC operational mode
ADINIT, // Initialize ADC
ADSTS, // Show ADC status
APPCONFIG, // Show the MEZZANINE configuration
AUTOCALIBRATE, // Calibrate ADC on active channels
AUTOCONFIGURE, // Search APD sensor on I2C bus
AUTOSTART, // Set/clear AUTOSTART flag
AUTOWDG, // Watchdog flag, if set HW WDG is activated
BUSYSRC, // 1=Force BUSY line from RIT, 0=Read from DIRAC
BUSYTMO, // Timeout for BUSY line
CALADCP1P2, // ADC two point linear calibration
CALLPCP1P2, // Calibrate internal AD (LPC.AD)
CALDACP1P2, // DAC two point linear calibration
CALCARD, // Set all data calibration for APD cards
CALDATA, // Set/get calibration data
CALSOURCE, // Set/get the calibration data source 0=FLASH_ROM, 1=RAM
CALTEMP, // Calibrate PT1000 on LPC.AD4
CARDSTS, // Report the status of all the enabled FEE cards
COMBPS, // Set serial port baud rate
DACSET, // Set DAC121S DAC output in physical values
DACSTS, // Status of DAC devices
DEBUGMODE, // Show debug mode status
DELTAT_ms, // Set ADC sampling time
EMACENABLE, // Enable DP83848C PHY device
EMACINIT, // Initialize DP83848C PHY device
EMACSTS, // Dump DP83848 PHY registers
EMACWRITE, // Write DP83848 PHY registers
ERRORS, // Report and clear error list
ERRSTS, // Report a detailed status of the errors
FRFLAG, // Set/clear Fault Recovery Flag
GAIN, // Set gain of the APD pre-amp
GPINPUT, // Report GP input status
GPOUTPUT, // Set level on output line #n
HELLO, // Hello message
HELP, // Display this help screen
HVOO_AUTOSET, // Autoset the HV on/off switch after a hot start
HVONOFF, // Enable/disable HV
I2CRESET, // Reset I2C bus bit banging the SCL line
I2CSTS, // Show I2C interface status
I2CENUMERATE, // Enumerate I2C devices
IP4ADR, // Set IP address
IRQ, // Reserved
IRQENABLE, // Enable/Disable IRQ on GPI
MSGLEVEL, // Application message level
MPXREG, // Read I2C I/O expander registers
MZBDUMP, // Dump the MEZZANINE register content
LOGIN , // Start session user:ROOT
LOGOUT, // Terminate session
PROCESSES, // Show active processes
POST, // Power on self test
RESTART, // MCU reset
RESTORE, // Restore settings
RIT, // Set RIT pace rate
SBLACTIVATE, // Activate SBL to upgrade firmware by I2C
SEU, // Force a number of Single Bit Upset
SHOW_TRANSIENT, // Show real time ADC data
SKIPERROR, // Skip error messages
SILENT, // Enable/disable diagnostic messsages
SLEWRATE, // Set HV bias slew rate in units V/s
STATUS_REG, // Get status register
TEST, // Reserved
UPDATE, // Save current parameters
VERSION, // Show firmware version
HWWDG, // Set and show the HW Watchdog status
SWWDG, // Set and show the SW Watchdog status
DIRACWDG, // Set and show the DIRAC Watchdog status
DIRACRST, // Pulse the DIRAC RESET REQUEST line (0.1s)
WATCHDOG, // Show status for the all implemented watchdog

#ifdef GNU_COMP
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
typedef __packed struct EE_DATABUF_tag {
uint16_t ridx;
uint16_t reserved1[3];

uint16_t updateCounter_tag; // 'RR'
uint16_t reserved2;
uint32_t updateCounter;
uint32_t stsreg; // Status register
uint32_t errreg; // Error register
uint32_t errcnt;
uint32_t ch_ensts;
uint32_t gpi;
uint32_t gpo;
uint16_t ladc[MZB_LADC_CHANNELS]; // LPC internal ADC
uint16_t reserved3[8- MZB_LADC_CHANNELS];
uint16_t lastError;
uint8_t slewRate;
uint8_t hvmfsm; // HV modulator state
uint16_t auxadc[MCADC_MAX_CHANNELS]; // Auxiliary ADC
uint8_t flipCount[MCADC_MAX_CHANNELS];// Flip status of AIO
uint32_t RR_checksum; // RR section checksum

uint16_t apdBiasV_tag; // 'VL'
uint16_t reserved4;
uint16_t apdBiasV[FEE_NUM];
uint32_t VL_checksum; // VL section checksum

uint16_t apdBiasA_tag; // 'CA'
uint16_t reserved5;
uint16_t apdBiasA[FEE_NUM];
uint32_t CA_checksum; // CA section checksum

uint16_t apdTemp_tag; // 'TC'
uint16_t reserved6;
uint16_t apdTemp[FEE_NUM];
uint32_t TC_checksum; // TC section checksum

uint16_t apdPwrs_tag; // 'PS'
uint16_t reserved7;
uint16_t apdPwrs [FEE_NUM];
uint16_t apdPwrsE[FEE_NUM];
uint16_t apdPwrsF[FEE_NUM];
uint16_t apdPwrsG[FEE_NUM];
uint16_t apdPwrsH[FEE_NUM];
uint32_t PS_checksum; // PS section checksum

uint16_t apdError_tag; // 'ER'
uint16_t reserved8;
uint16_t ioe_errcnt, ioe_lastError;
uint16_t spi_errcnt, spi_lastError;
uint16_t i2cm_errcnt, i2cm_lastError;
uint16_t i2cs_errcnt, i2cs_lastError;
uint16_t ladc_errcnt, ladc_lastError;
#ifdef GNU_COMP
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
__packed struct {
uint16_t errcnt;
uint16_t lastErr;
uint16_t adc_errcnt;
uint16_t adc_lastErr;
uint16_t dac_errcnt;
uint16_t dac_lastErr;
} apd_err[FEE_NUM];
uint16_t reserved8_1[2];
uint32_t ER_checksum; // ER section checksum

uint16_t apdCalib_tag; // 'CL'
uint16_t reserved9[3];
#ifdef GNU_COMP
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
__packed struct {
double slope;
double offset;
} edac_cal[FEE_NUM];
#ifdef GNU_COMP
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
__packed struct {
double slope;
double offset;
} eads0_cal[FEE_NUM];
#ifdef GNU_COMP
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
__packed struct {
double slope;
double offset;
} eads1_cal[FEE_NUM];
#ifdef GNU_COMP
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
__packed struct {
double slope;
double offset;
} eads2_cal[FEE_NUM];
uint32_t CL_checksum; // CL section checksum

uint16_t cmdReqIssued;
uint16_t reserved11;

uint16_t ch_enstsReq_tag; // 'EN'
uint16_t reserved12;
uint32_t ch_enstsReq;
uint32_t reserved12_1;
uint32_t ensts_chksum;

uint16_t commandReq_tag; // 'W1'
uint16_t reserved13;
uint16_t commandReq;
uint16_t reserved14[3];
uint32_t cmdReq_chksum;

uint16_t biasVreq_tag; // 'HV'
uint16_t reserved15;
uint16_t biasVreq[FEE_NUM];
uint32_t bias_chksum;

uint16_t functionReq_tag; // 'CD'
uint16_t functionReq;
float P[CT_MAXP];
uint32_t fncReq_chksum;

uint32_t reserved17;

uint32_t sentinel_tag;
uint32_t reserved18[3];

uint8_t* MZB_Encode_CMD_Command_raw(MZB_OSCMDCODE_t cmdCode, float* params);
unsigned ees_chksum(void *ptr, int len);


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