Implementation of Neural Style Transfer algorithm with pretrained VGG-16 Network & TensorFlow in Python 3.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Download VGG-16 named as imagenet-vgg-verydeep-16
from here. Put it in Neural-Style-Transfer-with-TensorFlow folder.
git clone
cd ./Neural-Style-Transfer-with-TensorFlow
To train with your parameters, run a command alike below command: (Details in Arguments for Terminal section)
python -c_i changed_content.jpg -s_i changed_style.jpg -c_w 25 -s_w 25 -n_i 1000
c_i: Name of Content image. It must be string. Example: changed_content.jpg, default_content.jpg , content_image.png .
s_i: Name of Style image. It must be string. Example: changed_style.jpg , default_style.jpg , style_image.png .
c_w: Weight of Content image in loss function. It must be integer. Example: 5 , 20 , 50 .
s_w: Weight of Style image in loss function. It must be integer. Example: 10 , 20 , 40 .
s_w: How many iterations to train. It must be integer. Example: 500 , 1000 , 2000 .
Download .ipynb file from here and run:
jupyter lab
or jupyter notebook
Content Image | Style Image | Generated Image After 2000 iterations | GIF during 2000 iterations |
Content Image | Style Image | Generated Image After 2000 iterations | GIF during 2000 iterations |
Content Image | Style Image | Generated Image After 2000 iterations | GIF during 2000 iterations |
Content Image | Style Image | Generated Image After 2000 iterations | GIF during 2000 iterations |
The last content image belongs to one of my friends, Umut Başdemir. He is a Business Development Specialist at Samsung.