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Moves pagination helpers back out of application_helper and into pagi…
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raysuelzer committed Feb 8, 2015
1 parent afbd5e3 commit 27a695f
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Showing 2 changed files with 117 additions and 116 deletions.
116 changes: 0 additions & 116 deletions app/helpers/application_helper.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1494,122 +1494,6 @@ def create_specimen_link(obs)

# From paginator_helper.rb
# Wrap a block in pagination links. Includes letters if appropriate.
# <%= paginate_block(@pages) do %>
# <% for object in @objects %>
# <% object_link(object) %><br/>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
def paginate_block(pages, args={}, &block) ##TODO: Depreciate / REMOVE
letters = pagination_letters(pages, args)
numbers = pagination_numbers(pages, args)
body = capture(&block).to_s
content_tag(:div, class: 'results') do
letters + numbers + body + numbers + letters

# Insert letter pagination links.
# # In controller:
# def action
# query = create_query(:Name)
# @pages = paginate_letters(:letter, :page, 50)
# @names = query.paginate(@pages, letter_field: 'names.sort_name')
# end
# # In view:
# <%= pagination_letters(@pages) %>
# <%= pagination_numbers(@pages) %>
def pagination_letters(pages, args={})
if pages and
pages.letter_arg and
(pages.letter || pages.num_total > pages.num_per_page) and
(!pages.used_letters or pages.used_letters.length > 1)
args = args.dup
args[:params] = (args[:params] || {}).dup
args[:params][pages.number_arg] = nil
str = %w(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z).map do |letter|
if !pages.used_letters || pages.used_letters.include?(letter)
pagination_link(letter, letter, pages.letter_arg, args)
content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, letter), class: "disabled")
end.safe_join(' ')
return content_tag(:div, str, class: "pagination pagination-sm")
return safe_empty

# Insert numbered pagination links. I've thrown out the Rails plugin
# pagination_letters because it is no longer giving us enough to be worth it.
# (See also pagination_letters above.)
# # In controller:
# def action
# query = create_query(:Name)
# @pages = paginate_numbers(:page, 50)
# @names = query.paginate(@pages)
# end
# # In view: (it is wrapped in 'pagination' div already)
# <%= pagination_numbers(@pages) %>
def pagination_numbers(pages, args={})
result = safe_empty
if pages && pages.num_pages > 1
params = args[:params] ||= {}
if pages.letter_arg && pages.letter
params[pages.letter_arg] = pages.letter

num = pages.num_pages
arg = pages.number_arg
this = pages.number
this = 1 if this < 1
this = num if this > num
size = args[:window_size] || 5
from = this - size
to = this + size

result = []
pstr = #{:PREV.t}"
nstr = "#{:NEXT.t} »"
result << pagination_link(pstr, this-1, arg, args) if this > 1
result << pagination_link(1, 1, arg, args) if from > 1
result << result << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, "..."), class: "disabled") if from > 2
for n in
if n == this
result << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, n), class: "active")
elsif n > 0 && n <= num
result << pagination_link(n, n, arg, args)
result << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, "..."), class: "disabled") if to < num - 1
result << pagination_link(num, num, arg, args) if to < num
result << pagination_link(nstr, this+1, arg, args) if this < num

result = content_tag(:ul, result.safe_join(' '), class: "pagination pagination-sm")

# Render a single pagination link for paginate_numbers above.
def pagination_link(label, page, arg, args)
params = args[:params] || {}
params[arg] = page
url = reload_with_args(params)
if args[:anchor]
url.sub!(/#.*/, '')
url += '#' + args[:anchor]
"<li>#{link_to(label, url)}</li>".html_safe

# Take URL that got us to this page and add one or more parameters to it.
# Returns new URL.
Expand Down
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions app/helpers/pagination_helper.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
module PaginationHelper
# Wrap a block in pagination links. Includes letters if appropriate.
# <%= paginate_block(@pages) do %>
# <% for object in @objects %>
# <% object_link(object) %><br/>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
def paginate_block(pages, args={}, &block) ##TODO: Depreciate / REMOVE
letters = pagination_letters(pages, args)
numbers = pagination_numbers(pages, args)
body = capture(&block).to_s
content_tag(:div, class: 'results') do
letters + numbers + body + numbers + letters

# Insert letter pagination links.
# # In controller:
# def action
# query = create_query(:Name)
# @pages = paginate_letters(:letter, :page, 50)
# @names = query.paginate(@pages, letter_field: 'names.sort_name')
# end
# # In view:
# <%= pagination_letters(@pages) %>
# <%= pagination_numbers(@pages) %>
def pagination_letters(pages, args={})
if pages and
pages.letter_arg and
(pages.letter || pages.num_total > pages.num_per_page) and
(!pages.used_letters or pages.used_letters.length > 1)
args = args.dup
args[:params] = (args[:params] || {}).dup
args[:params][pages.number_arg] = nil
str = %w(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z).map do |letter|
if !pages.used_letters || pages.used_letters.include?(letter)
pagination_link(letter, letter, pages.letter_arg, args)
content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, letter), class: "disabled")
end.safe_join(' ')
return content_tag(:div, str, class: "pagination pagination-sm")
return safe_empty

# Insert numbered pagination links. I've thrown out the Rails plugin
# pagination_letters because it is no longer giving us enough to be worth it.
# (See also pagination_letters above.)
# # In controller:
# def action
# query = create_query(:Name)
# @pages = paginate_numbers(:page, 50)
# @names = query.paginate(@pages)
# end
# # In view: (it is wrapped in 'pagination' div already)
# <%= pagination_numbers(@pages) %>
def pagination_numbers(pages, args={})
result = safe_empty
if pages && pages.num_pages > 1
params = args[:params] ||= {}
if pages.letter_arg && pages.letter
params[pages.letter_arg] = pages.letter

num = pages.num_pages
arg = pages.number_arg
this = pages.number
this = 1 if this < 1
this = num if this > num
size = args[:window_size] || 5
from = this - size
to = this + size

result = []
pstr = #{:PREV.t}"
nstr = "#{:NEXT.t} »"
result << pagination_link(pstr, this-1, arg, args) if this > 1
result << pagination_link(1, 1, arg, args) if from > 1
result << result << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, "..."), class: "disabled") if from > 2
for n in
if n == this
result << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, n), class: "active")
elsif n > 0 && n <= num
result << pagination_link(n, n, arg, args)
result << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, "..."), class: "disabled") if to < num - 1
result << pagination_link(num, num, arg, args) if to < num
result << pagination_link(nstr, this+1, arg, args) if this < num

result = content_tag(:ul, result.safe_join(' '), class: "pagination pagination-sm")

# Render a single pagination link for paginate_numbers above.
def pagination_link(label, page, arg, args)
params = args[:params] || {}
params[arg] = page
url = reload_with_args(params)
if args[:anchor]
url.sub!(/#.*/, '')
url += '#' + args[:anchor]
"<li>#{link_to(label, url)}</li>".html_safe

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