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Current Status: MVP4 -1 endpoints complete

Getting started

The project needs nodemon to be installed npm install nodemon -g npm install --save-dev nodemon

As with any node directory, this also requires npm packages to be installed npm install

To build a compressed html version of the site, run npm run build

To serve the site locally, run npm start

Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in the browser.

The page will automatically reload if you make edits You will also see lint errors (if any) in the console.

Other commands for development and deployment

npm run watch

Builds the app for production to the public folder.
It correctly bundles React in develpment mode. It's slower and only for development. You can make changes without having to run the script again.

npm run production

Builds the app for production to the public folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

You can make changes without having to run the script again. Ideal for development

Other Repositories Needed

api-dev-musicoin - backend necessary for the login, signup and forgot password routes to work


The official frontend of






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