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MyPictures edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 15 revisions

NoCheatPlus integrates a lightweight command system. It allows you to quickly exempt players from checks or to access and manage check data about a player.

All commands support tab completion and some even allow shortcuts. The root command is named "nocheatplus", however the alias "ncp" should also work and is used for reference here.

NoCheatPlus also supports Bukkit aliases if you wish to have another alias command aside form "nocheatplus" and "ncp".

You can give a player access to a specific command by giving them the sub-node with the commands default name, like {{{}}}. For further information about permissions in NoCheatPlus, we recommend looking at the Permissions.

Administrative commands

Those commands are used to basically manage NoCheatPlus on your server. Arguments in () are needed, while arguments in [] are optional.

Command Explanation
/ncp reload Reloads, generates and regenerates the configuration file of NoCheatPlus. Run this in-case you changed something on your configuration file while your server was running.
/ncp notify on/off Toggle all in-game notifications/alerts generated by NoCheatPlus.
/ncp info (player) Display the violation levels of a given player.
/ncp lag Show info about server sided latency. The average lag shows the percentage of the server running too slow (0% = 20 tps, 10% = 18 tps) for the last 1 second, 3.33 and 270 seconds, roughly. Also lag spikes are displayed, tracked over at most 1 hour with a resolution of 20 minutes buckets (i.e. not exact) for spikes > 150 ms (3x to 20x) and spikes > 1000 ms (20x +). Be aware that this information is needed to make most NoCheatPlus checks adapt to server sided lag.
/ncp removeplayer (player) [check_type] Remove all the data collected by NoCheatPlus so far for a given player. You can use the [check_type] option to make NoCheatPlus only remove data from a specific check (Default will clean all data of all checks!). To list all check names execute a command such as this: /ncp removeplayer (PlayerName) list. "*" is supported here.
/ncp exempt (player) [check_type] Exempt a player from being checked by NoCheatPlus or by a specific check.
/ncp unexempt (player) [check_type] Remove any exemption you given to a specified player. "*" Is supported here.
/ncp exemptions (player) Gives back a list of all check that a specific player has been exempted from.
/ncp commands List all commands, more than shown here. The other commands are mainly for use with actions, such as delaying other commands, kicking with a message, telling players messages in colour, deny login for a players, allow it again and other.
/ncp version Show version information about the server, plugin, compatibility modules and registered hooks.

Auxiliary commands

Those commands are mainly used by NoCheatPlut itself to execute strings or commands over actions on violating players but you can also make use of them if you wish to do so. Most of them have no difference compared to the vanilla commands apart from the delay otion. Arguments in () are needed, while arguments in [] are optional.

Command Explanation
/ncp ban [delay=(ticks)]\ (player) [reason] Ban a player from your server (banned-players.txt).
/ncp kick [delay=(ticks)] (player) [reason] Kicks a player from your server
/ncp unkick (player) Allows you to remove a tempkick/tempban from a player. "*" is supported here.
/ncp kicklist Lists all players that have been tempkicked/tempbanned on your server by NoCheatPlus actions.
/ncp tell [delay=(ticks)] (player) (message) Send a private message to a specified player.
/ncp delay [delay=(ticks)] (command) Execute a command in delayed time.


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