Amazing Node.js Open Source Tools and Projects for the Past Year (v.2019)
For the past year, we’ve compared nearly 12,000 Node.js open source tools and projects to pick Top 45 (0.38% chance).
The tools and projects are broken down by 4 categories
- Nodejs Projects (1~12)
- Web Building Tools (13~22)
- Node.js Toolkits (23~41)
- Server side Tools (42~45)
This is an extremely competitive list and it carefully picks the best open source Node.js projects published between Jan and Dec 2018. Mybridge AI evaluates the quality by considering popularity, engagement and recency. To give you an idea about the quality, the average number of Github ⭐️ is 3,751.
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A) Beginners: The Complete Node.js Developer Course (2nd Edition).115,397 recommends, 4.6/5 stars
B) Advanced: Node JS: Advanced Concepts. 16,557 recommends, 4.7/5 stars
- Uppy: The next open source file uploader for web browsers ★18910
- Zenbot: Zenbot is a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB. ★11048
- Wiki.js | A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown ★4165
- Hygen: The simple, fast, and scalable code generator that lives in your project. ★3888
- Wey: Fast open source Slack desktop app ★1963
- Crate: A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL ★5594
- ExpressCart: A fully functioning Node.js shopping cart with Stripe and PayPal payments. ★2406
- Excel4node: Node module to allow for easy Excel file creation ★2312
- Colorette: Node.js library for colorizing text using ANSI escape sequences ★1702
- Vynchronize: Watch synchronized videos with others online with Node.js ★1307
- Auto-like-my-gf-insta-pic: Bot to automatically like your friend's Instagram post and notify you on Slack ★1231
- Javascript-drones: Built with React Hooks and Node.js and UDP4 sockets for communicating with drone ★437
- Axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js ★355
- Hackathon-starter: A boilerplate for Node.js web applications ★11691
- Nest v5.0: A modern node.js framework for efficient and scalable web applications built on top of TypeScript ★4466
- Ndb: An improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools ★2053
- Carlo: Web rendering surface for Node applications ★1066
- Got v9.0: Simplified HTTP requests for Node.js ★1647
- Whistle: A cross-platform web debugging tool based on Node.js - HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket debugging proxy ★1751
- Scratches: A scratchpad with node & browser apis. ★1262
- Scratch-node: Scratch Node.js Docker Images ★5059
- Foxr: Node.js API to control Firefox ★4046
- Puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node API [v.1.0] ★1339
- Nexe: Create a single executable out of your node.js apps ★1337
- Greenlet: Move an async function into its own thread. ★1064
- Isomorphic-git: A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers ★869
- Nodejs-dashboard: Telemetry dashboard for node.js apps from the terminal ★11594
- Pandora v1.8: A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript ★7045
- Ncc: Simple CLI for compiling a Node.js module into a single file, together with all its dependencies, gcc-style. ★2805
- Node-clinic: Clinic diagnoses your Node.js performance issues ★2722
- Dumper.js: A better and pretty variable inspector for your Node.js applications ★1900
- Moleculer v0.12: Fast & powerful microservices framework for Node.js ★1806
- Microjob: A tiny wrapper for turning Node.js worker threads into easy-to-use routines for heavy CPU loads. ★1502
- Snyk: CLI and build-time tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies ★1048
- Typescript-starter: Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project ★922
- Permit: An unopinionated authentication library for building Node.js APIs. ★10265
- Flamebearer: Blazing fast flame graph tool for V8 and Node ★7139
- Emma-cli: Terminal assistant to find and install node packages. ★5173
- Life-commit: Life as a git. Commit on your life. ★4517
- Janeway: A curses-based console for node.js ★3492
- Async-optics: A node asynchronous process and package monitor ★3020
- Objection.JS: An SQL-friendly Object-relational mapping for Node.js ★3011
- Xmysql: One command to generate REST APIs for any MySql Database with Node.js ★2978
- Rendora: Dynamic server-side rendering using headless Chrome to effortlessly solve the SEO problem for modern javascript websites ★2594
- Turbo-http: Blazing fast low level http server in Node.js ★2291