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User Commands

Melissa Brennan edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Table of Contents

About the Command Format

Command Syntax: $command

{ parameter }
Shows mandatory parameters
Shows optional parameters
( parameter )
Shows aliases for the command

Help Module

Sends a message linking back to this WIKI page, containing a list of all the commands available.

Info Module

Sends links containing suicide prevention hotlines into the chat the command was issued.
$mogiicraft poll
Sends the poll link users are asked to fill out first time joining.
$mogiicraft website
Sends a link to the forums.
$mogiicraft minecraftip
Alias: $mogiicraft ip
Sends the Minecraft IP address into chat.
$mogiicraft email
Posts the email for MogiiCraft into chat.
$mogiicraft vote
Sends the voting links for Minecraft into the chat.

Public Module

$hug {@user}
Send a virtual hug to a friend!
$about [@user]
Sends the about information about the user into chat. If no user is specified, your about information is sent.
$setname {name}
Set your name so that others can see it.
$setgender {gender}
Set your gender so that others can know.
$setpronouns {pronouns}
Set your pronouns so that others can see them.
$setabout {about message}
Set your about message that others can see.
$setprefix {prefix}
Set your own custom prefix for you to use. This feature may cost you, so type $setprefix without the prefix parameter to see the cost.
$setcustomrgb {r value} {g value} {b value}
Custom set the color of your embeds (Not all embeds will be affected by this). You can find RGB values for colors here:
$setmcusername {minecraft username}
Alias: $setminecraftusername, $mcreg, $mcregister
Assigns your Minecraft username with your Discord username.
$setsnapchat {name}
Set your snapchat username to your profile so others can add you.
$setwebsitename {name}
Set your website name to your profile so others can add you.
$setwebsiteurl {url}
Set your website URL to add to your profile so others can visit it.

Fun Module

$rolldice [Amount]
Rolls x amount of 6-sided dice and returns the number it lands on in chat.
1 dice is rolled if no value is entered.
Alias: $d20
Rolls a 20-sided dice and returns the number it lands on in chat.
Alias: $flip, $tosscoin, $coinflip
Flips a coin, returning the landed state whether it is heads or tails.
Sends an image into the chat showing that Harold Approves.
NOICE image is sent.
Disagree image is sent.
git gud.
y tho
Sends an image of baby Groot dancing.
Alias: $question
The answer to life, the universe and everything.
Try your luck to see if Senpai will notice you. Notice Me Senpai!
Alias: $purse, $wallet, $bal, $coins
Check how many coins you have.
$givecoins {@user} {coins}
Alias: $pay
Share your coins with the specified user.
Get a random quote from the list set by the staff.
$buyquote {quote}
Buy yourself your own quote for a price. All quotes will need to be approved by a Guild Administrator.

Leaderboard Module

Prints out the leaderboard containing the top users with the most coins.
$leaderboard global
Prints out the global leaderboard containing the top users with the most coins.
$leaderboard guild
Prints out the guild leaderboard containing the top users within the guild with the most coins.

Slots Game Module

$buyslots {amount of coins to use}
Play the slots game with the specified amount of coins.

Higher Lower Game Module

$dice higher {amount of coins to use}
Bet coins against the bot to roll dice. You win your bet if your number is higher than the bot's number.
$dice lower {amount of coins to use}
Bet coins against the bot to roll dice. You win your bet if your number is lower than the bot's number.